UFC 3-260-11FA
25 May 2005
1.9.2 Submittal Register
The Contractor shall develop the submittal requirements during the
design phase of the contract, by producing a Constructor Submittal
Register in accordance with Section 01330, Submittal Procedures. Proper
tagging of SPECSINTACT-prepared specifications allows this form to be
generated at printing. If custom-written specifications are developed
that are not in SPECSINTACT, the register for those sections must match
the SPECSINTACT-generated form in format and columns (quantities and
designations). The Contractor shall be responsible for listing all
required construction submittals necessary to ensure that the project
requirements are complied with. The Register shall identify submittal
items such as shop drawings, manufacturer's literature, certificates of
compliance, material samples, guarantees, and test results that the
Contractor shall submit for review. (NOTE: Approval of design-build
submittals is the role of the design-builder's Designer of Record. The
Government will normally only review for conformance to the contract,
consisting of the RFP design criteria and the accepted proposal.) The
DOR shall edit the submittal register and specifications to designate
which submittals are for DOR Approval or for DOR Information and
indicate that submittals are for Government Information or Approval
(where GA is designated for Government).
During construction, the Contractor will be required to run the
submittal register program in the Resident Management System (RMS).
SPECSINTACT allows downloading of a submittal register program that is
compatible with the RMS. However, for construction purposes the
Contractor will be required to add all submittals from non-SPECSINTACT-
prepared specifications into RMS manually. The Contracting Officer can
provide advice regarding this process if it is requested.
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