derive accurate estimates of energy and water consumption among
groups of buildings, ships, or processes where actual metered
data does not exist.
The allocation methodology and calculation assistance
presented here are intended to be used to estimate individual
energy and water consumption as reconciled to total installation
consumption. In this system, initial individual estimates are
adjusted (equally among individual estimates) to account for
total installation consumption. This methodology is not intended
to be used to estimate consumption for single buildings where no
other data exists. Use of the data and methodology for this
purpose is not considered accurate.
Handbook Organization. Section 2 of this handbook
provides calculation assistance in identifying an initial energy
use estimate for buildings, ships, and other energy uses. It
includes initial energy consumption values and provides
adjustment factors for use in revising the initial value to one
that is more applicable to your installation.
Section 3 presents an energy allocation methodology for
reconciling total installation energy consumption to the various
metered data, as well as to estimates for each building, ship, or
process. This method addresses nonbuilding consumption such as
line losses, water and sewer, and other identifiable consumption
that would not normally be attributable to buildings, ships, and
Section 4 provides calculation assistance and
allocation methodology for reconciling total installation water
consumption to metered data and estimates for each building,
ship, or process.
Cancellation. This handbook, MIL-HDBK-1133, dated 30
September 1999, cancels and supersedes MO-303, dated
1 May 1972.