be used as a spare if the primary structure connection is damaged. Test
stations for sacrificial anode cathodic protection systems can either be
the flushmounted or above grade type as described in para. 6.7.3. If
flush-mounted test stations are used, the soil exposed in the bottom of t
test station can be used to measure the structure-to-electrolyte potentia
Location of such test stations directly over the structure is often
advantageous as any IR drops due to current flowing through the soil are
minimized. Other test stations used in sacrificial anode cathodic
protection systems are: the potential test station, the soil contact tes
station, the line current (IR Drop) test station, the insulating joint te
station, the casing insulation test station, and the bond test station.
These test stations are identical to those described in para. 6.7.3.
Backfill. The use of backfill in soil applications for the ty
of anode materials used in sacrificial anode cathodic protection systems
described in the section on each anode material. When prepackaged anodes
are used, the impermeable wrapping must be removed from these anodes prio
to installation.