UFC 4-150-06
12 December 2001
SEDIMENT MANAGEMENT PROJECTS. The development of sediment
management projects is available in CEM Section V-5. Discussions are presented on
the use of weir jetties, sediment traps, and training dikes to interrupt longshore sand
movement, to accumulate sand on the shore, or to retard sand losses. Maintenance in
existing channels, berthing areas, and the expansion of coastal facilities requires
dredging in areas that may contain elevated levels of heavy metals, pesticides, and
other contaminants. Though concentrations of these contaminants may not always
approach hazardous levels, contaminated sediments are not suitable for unconfined
ocean disposal. Remediation of these sites may require dredging and disposal of
contaminated dredged materials, which requires special management. Material may be
placed in a confined, aquatic disposal site, capped, disposed in an upland site, or
possibly treated and then undergo beneficial re-use. Management alternatives,
cumulative impacts, and long-term solutions to prevent re-contamination of sediment
are issues that need to be addressed with respect to the ecological and health
implications of contaminated dredged material disposal. All project areas are to be
evaluated for environmental risks early in the planning stages of a project.
Subsequently, if a hazardous substance is suspected at a project site, the sediment
should be left undisturbed and the appropriate Environmental Department or Regional
Environmental Coordinator of the appropriate activity be notified.
PHYSICAL SECURITY. The physical security of harbor and coastal
facilities must be addressed in the early stages of project planning. The NAVFAC
Engineering Innovation and Criteria Office (EICO) is presently developing Anti-
Terrorism, Force Protection (AT/FP) design and construction criteria for the
programming, planning, design, and construction of AT/FP systems for waterfront
facilities. Interim Technical Guidance on Anti-Terrorism, Force Protection and Physical
Security of Waterfront Facilities and Installation can be found on the NAVFAC Intranet
contacting the NAVFAC Engineering Innovation and Criteria Office at 757-322-4200.