through 441-40. Planning for storage of material in controlled humidity space
for varying periods of time is authorized when the use of such space performs
the following:
a) Permits technical material and material highly sensitive to
moisture to be stored in a state of readiness for immediate issue.
b) Permits a reduction in the cost in initial preservation or
represervation of material.
c) Affords significant reduction in either the reactivation time or
d) Maintains the condition of any material being held in temporary
storage while awaiting repair, disposition, preservation or represervation, or
assembly of components.
e) Affords the desired supplemental protection to material already
subjected to preservation treatment.
Flammable/Hazardous Storehouse (Code 441-30). Flammable/hazardous
materials storehouses differ significantly from general warehouses due to the
materials stored and the provisions made to prevent, and remove through proper
ventilation, mists, gases, and vapors in accordance with National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA) Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code,
NFPA 30. Materials considered for storage in this category facility include
paints, certain packaged petroleum/oil/lubricant (POL) materials, chemicals,
acids, corrosive liquids, oxidizing materials, and other similar hazardous
flammable materials. Space justified for flammable/hazardous storehouses must
be considered a portion of the total space allowed for Category Codes 441-10
through 441-40. Such space should not exceed 5 percent of the total space
unless thoroughly justified. Whenever practical, shed storage (see
paragraph 1.4.5) should be justified and used. If necessary, the Naval Supply
Systems Command (NAVSUP), Washington, DC, should be consulted for guidance.
Such flammable and combustible liquid storehouse facilities must comply with
the requirements of Section 4 of this handbook.
Shed Storage (Code 441-35). A shed is a roofed structure without
complete side or end walls and with or without sprinklers or alarm systems.
Sheds are typically used for storage of gas cylinders, drummed POL, vehicles,
unfinished lumber, and other construction material. In areas where it is
impractical to use shed space for the storage of materials because of weather
conditions, storage requirements must be included as warehouse space and
complete justification must be submitted. Sheds storing hazardous materials
are subject to special design requirements. Comply with criteria in Section 4
of this handbook.
Storage Categories Not Addressed in This Handbook. The following
storage categories are not addressed in this handbook:
Liquid Storage - Fuel and Nonpropellants (Code 410). Bulk tanks and
associated equipment for liquid fuel storage and storage of liquids other than
water, fuel, and propellants are not included. Refer to Petroleum Fuel
Facilities, NAVFAC DM-22, for criteria regarding petroleum fuel facilities.