UFC 3-570-06
JANUARY 31 2003
H. Care must be taken to read the correct polarity.
Columns I through K: Test points 2,3, and 4 are the
lowest potential points of the protected structure being
protected by the rectifier. These test points must be
determined using data obtained from the annual
performance survey. They are subject to change as
directed by the corrosion engineer. Enter the values
found for the appropriate points.
Column L: State whether soil is wet, moist, dry, or
powdery. NOTE: For the testing of structure-to-soil
potentiometers will be used. For structure-to-electrolyte
potential readings, the potentiometer circuit must be
used. If the ground is frozen, do not take readings and
state so in column L by entering "GF."
Signature: Each monthly log must be signed by the cathodic
protection technician (CPT) and the base corrosion engineer
before submission to higher headquarters.