UFC 3-570-06
JANUARY 31 2003
(Tab F) must have its individual data sheets, showing location of
test points by building number or other landmarks. Maximum and
minimum test points as required by AF Form 491 must be identified,
such as 7h, 7i, 7j, 7k, for rectifier number 7.
Tab M: Sketches and Drawings. A sketch must be provided for each
underground tank system indicating location of tank and where
readings were taken. Include any additional drawings that will
assist in the evaluation of the survey data.
Tab N: Personnel Roster. Provide a list of the name and grade of
the corrosion engineer and the CPT and a description of their
training in cathodic protection along with the date received.
2. Only one copy of the cathodic protection annual performance
booklet should be prepared. The booklet must be submitted by 1
February following the year of survey to the MAJCOM that will
review and return it along with comments and recommendations.