UFC 3-570-06
JANUARY 31 2003
external corrosion. This method of protection, normally used in conjunction with
coatings, is achieved by transferring the corrosion to other cheaper "anode" materials
that are sacrificed to protect the structure. The two basic types of CP systems are
"sacrificial (galvanic) anode" and "impressed current". All cathodic protection systems
require periodic maintenance and adjustment to insure system integrity and continuous
control of corrosion.
c. Other Methods. Other corrosion control methods include:
Proper design techniques to eliminate conditions conducive to
corrosion (e.g. contact of dissimilar metals).
Selection of materials resistant to the particular environment.
Use of chemical inhibitors or treatments in a closed system.
NAVFACENGCOM Headquarters.
Establish policy
Provide oversight
Provide budget guidance.
Cathodic Protection System Reporting.
Structure-to-Electrode potentials readings shall generally be
recorded quarterly, but no less than annually.
Rectifier settings and outputs shall generally be recorded no less
than bi-monthly.
Figures B-2 through B-4 are sample report forms. Other similar report forms
having the above described test data as a minimum may be substituted. Contact the
cognizant EFD for more information on CP system reporting, special report form
requirements, and approval of substitute report forms.
Corrosion Control References. The following references provide additional
corrosion control and cathodic protection related information:
a) NAVFAC MO-307, Corrosion Control
b) Military Handbook 1004/10, Electrical Engineering Cathodic Protection