assigns responsibilities for DoD planning, programming,
budgeting, developing technical criteria, and execution of
host nation-funded construction programs as they related
to U.S. military construction in the Pacific Command.
DODD 4270.36, DoD Emergency, Contingency, and Other
Unprogrammed Construction Projects, 17 May 1997 [Updates
policy and responsibilities for DoD emergency contingency,
and other unprogramed construction projects.]
DODD 4275.5, Acquisition and Management of Industrial
Resources, 6 October 1980 [Establishes uniform policy
governing the acquisition and management of facilities,
special tooling, and special test equipment, whether these
industrial resources are acquired by and used solely
within the Department of Defense or operated and used by a
contractor. Assigns responsibilities for reviewing the
and disposal of industrial resources, with their related
programming, budgeting, and financing procedures.]
DODD 4710.1, Archaeological and Historic Resources
Management, 21 June 1984 [Provides policy, prescribes
procedures, and assigns responsibilities for the
management of archeological and historic resources located
in and on waters and lands under DoD control.]
DODD 4715.11, Environmental and Explosive Safety
Management on Department of Defense Active and Inactive
Ranges Within The United States, 17 August 1999
[Establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for
sustainable use and management of DoD active and inactive
ranges located within the United States and the protection
of DoD personnel and the public from explosives hazards on
DoD active and inactive ranges located within the United
DODD 5010.33, Department of Defense Design Awards Program,
25 April 1979 [Updates the established annual Defense
Design Awards Program for military construction projects.]
DODD 5030.41, Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution
Prevention and Contingency Program, 1 June 1977
[Implements the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Regulations on Oil Pollution Prevention. Establishes a
Department of Defense Oil and Hazardous Substances
Pollution Prevention and contingency Program to reduce the
likelihood of oil discharges form non-transportation-
related onshore and offshore facilities into or upon the
waters of the United States or adjoining shorelines.]
DODD 5124.6, Quality of Life Executive Committee, 11