UFC 3-270-01
15 March 2001
5.6.3. Apply the aggregate. This is the same as for SBST (Paragraph 5.3.3.).
5.6.4. Roll the aggregate. This is the same as discussed for SBST (Paragraph 5.3.4.).
5.6.5. Sweep the area. This is the same as for SBST (Paragraph 5.3.5.).
5.6.6. Apply second application. To apply the second application of binder and aggregate, the
above steps (5.6.1.-5.6.5.) should be followed.
5.7. Problem Areas (DBST). The same problems for SBST are applicable to DBST. These
problems are discussed in Paragraph 5.4.
5.8. Sandseal. This is another type of SBST; therefore, the same procedural steps for an SBST
(Paragraph 5.3.) should be followed except the following aggregate gradations and application
rates should be used:
% Passing by Weight, Gradation Designation
Sieve Size
No. 1
No. 2
1/2 in. (12.7 mm)
3/8 in. (9.5 mm)
No. 4 (4.8 mm)
85 - 100
No. 8 (2.4 mm)
10 - 40
10 - 40
No. 16 (1.2 mm)
0 - 10
0 - 10
No. 50 (300 m)