UFC 3-270-02
15 March 2001
exercised to prevent overblasting the crack. It is important to remove all debris from the crack,
but overblasting could cause the pavement to ravel or create voids in the crack face.
6.3.5. Wire brushes. Wire brushes (Figure 6.8.) are helpful in removing debris and vegetation
from shallow cracks, but they do not easily remove debris, such as saw residue, from the walls of
the cracks. Debris on the crack faces will cause the sealant to lose adhesion with the pavement
and prematurely fail. Worn brushes should not be used to clean the cracks because they will not
effectively remove residual debris. Care should also be taken when wire brushes are used to
clean cracks that have been sealed before. The brushes will have a tendency to smear the old
sealant residue on the crack wall instead of removing it.
6.3.6. Hand tools. When approved by the Contracting Officer, hand tools may be used for
repairing or cleaning cracks or removing old crack sealant. The tools should be examined to
ensure that they will not damage the pavement in any manner when properly used.