Section I. Introduction - 4_750_020020Soil ConditionsSection II. Outdoor Sports FacilitiesBasketball (Collegiate)Goal-Hi BsketballCroquetThree - and Four - Wal HandballlHorseshoesLawn BowlingDeck TennisPlatform TennisTennisVolleyballFigure 1. Badminton CourtsFigure 2a. Basketball (ABAUSA) - - Court LayoutFigure 2b. Basketball (ABAUSA) - - Backboard and Free Throw LaneFigure 3a. Basketball (NCAA) - - Court LayoutFigure 3b. Basketball (NCAA) - - BackboadsFigure 4. Biddy Basketball CourtFigure 5. Goal-Hi Basketball CourtFigure 6. Boccie CourtFigure 7. Croquet CourtFigure 8. One-Wall Handball CourtFigure 9. Three - and Four-Wall Handball CourtFigure 10. Hopscotch CourtFigure 11a. Horseshoes Court - - LayoutFigure 11b. Horseshoes Court - - Construction DetailsFigure 12. Ice Hockey RinkFigure 13a. Lawn Bowling Green - - LayoutFigure 13b. Lawn Bowling Green - - Construction DetailsFigure 14a. Roque Court - - LayoutFigure 14b. Roque Court - - Construction detailsFigure 15a. Shuffleboard Court - - Layout Figure 15b. Shuffleboard Court - - Construction DetailFigure 16. Deck Tennis CourtFigure 17. paddle Tennis CourtFigure 18. Platform Tennis CourtFigure 19. Tennis CourtFigure 20. Tetherball CourtFigure 21a. Volleyball Court - - DimensionsFigure 21b. Volleyball Court - - Layout and NetSection 3. Sports FieldsPony League Baseball (13-14 years)Little League Baseball (9-12 years)Man Football (NCAA), Pop Warner junior League FootballTouch and Flag FootballLacrosse, Women'sSoccer (Women's and Girls)FlickerballTeam HandballGolf Driving rangeFigure 22a. Official Baseball Diamond - - LayoutFigure 22b. Official Baseball Diamond - - Pincher's Plate and Home Plate DetailsFigure 23a. Bronco League Baseball Diamon - - LayoutFigure 23b. Bronco League Baseball Diamon - - Home PLate DetailsFigure 24. Pony League Baseball FieldFigure 25. Colt League Baseball FieldFigure 26. Little League Baseball FieldFigure 27a. Softball (12-inch, Fast and Slow Pitch) - - DiamondFigure 27b. Softball (12-inch, Fast and Slow Pitch) - - Dimensions and Home Plate LayoutFigure 28. Softball (16-inch, Slow Pitch) - - DiamondFigure 29. 11-Man Football (NCAA) Pop Warner Junior League Football FieldFigure 30. Touch and Flag Football FieldFigure 31a. Lacrosse Field (Men's) - - LayoutFigure 31b. Lacrosse Field (Men's) - - Flag and Goal DetailsFigure 32. Lacrosse Field (Women's)Figure 33a. Soccer Field (Men's and Boys') - - LayoutFigure 33b. Soccer Field (Men's and Boys') - - Goal DetailFigure 34. Soccer Field (Women's and Girls')Figure 35. Field Hockey FieldFigure 36a. Flickerball FieldFigure 36b. Flickerball Field - - Goal DetailsFigure 37. Speedball Field and Goal DetailField 38a. team Handball Field - - LayoutFigure 38b. Team Handball Field - - Goal DetailFigure 39a. Golf Driving Range - - Layout Figure 39b. Golf Driving Range - - Construction DetailsSection 4. Track and FieldHammer ThrowLong Jump and Triple JumpPole VaultHigh JumpFigure 40. 400-Meter Running track - - LayoutFigure 41a. 400-Meter Running Track - - Lane Marking Details Figure 41b. 400-Meter Running Track - - Construction Details Figure 42a. Shot Put Circle - - LayoutFigure 42b. Shot Put Circle - - Construction DetailsFigure 43a. Hammer Throw - - Section LayoutFigure 43b. Hammer Throw - - Throwing Cage Construction DetailsFigure 44. discuss Throw SectorFigure 45. Javelin Throw AreaFigure 46a. Long Jump and Triple Jump Area - - LayoutFigure 46b. Long Jump and Triple Jump Area - - Construction DetailsFigure 47a. Pole Vault Area - - LayoutFigure 47b. Pole Vault Area - - Pit and Crossbar DetailsFigure 48a. High Jump Area - - LayoutFigure 48b. High Jump Area - - Pit Deatilssection 5. Multiple Sports ComplexesMultiple Sports CourtSports Fields within Running TracksMultiple Field Events within Running TracksFigure 49. Combination Basketball-Volleyball Court ComplexFigure 50. Combination Tennis, Volleyball, Basketball, Badminton CourtFigure 51a. Multiplee Sports Court - - LayoutFigure 51b. Multiple Sports Court - - Color Key and NotesFigure 52a. Combination Sports Fields - - Baseball, Softball, and FootballFigure 52b. Combination Sports Fields - - Multiple Softball FieldsFigure 53. Sports Fileds Within Running TracksFigure 54. Multiple Field Events Within Running TracksSection 6. Recreational Shooting RangesSkeet FieldTrap FieldCombination Skeet and trap FieldFigure 55a. Archery Range - - LayoutFigure 55b. Archery Range - - Target DetailsFigure 56. International Shooting Union Automatic TrapFigure 57. Skeet FieldFigure 58. Trap FieldFigure 59. Combination Skeet and Trap FieldSection 7. Motor SportsGo-Kart (Road Track)Figure 60. Go Kart Oval Track - - LayoutFigure 61a. Go Kart Road Track - - LayoutFigure 61b. Go Kart Road Track - - Construction Details'Unknown' by Unknown - Page 1 of 157Section 8. Construction DetailsFigure 62b. Fixed Net Posts - - Tennis and VolleyballFigure 63. Removable Net PostsFigure 64a. Goal post Details - - BasketballFigure 64b. Goal post Details - - FootballFigure 65a. Typical Grading and Drainage Details - - Courts and DiamondsFigure 65a. Typical Grading and Drainage Details - - Rectangular Sports FieldsFigure 66. Typical Playing Surface DeatilsReferences - 4_750_020154References - continued - 4_750_020155References - continued - 4_750_0201564_750_02