Feather edging of steel may be accomplished by blasting
with a fine abrasive (e.g., 60 mesh grit or finer) with the
nozzle held at a low angle about 3 or 4 feet from the surface.
However, even fine abrasive may damage adjacent coating. Thus,
it is best to determine if there are any adverse effects with a
surface preparation procedure before proceeding will it. Application for Maintenance Painting. Spot application
of paint in maintenance painting is usually done by brush or
spray, as the painter determines to be most efficient. Brushing
of the primer is usually preferred where the surface is rough or
otherwise difficult to paint. Patches should be extended 2
inches beyond the areas of damaged coatings where the adjacent
intact paint has been previously roughened. Inspection of Maintenance Painting. Inspection of
maintenance painting usually consists of visual inspection for
workmanship, dry film thickness, and adhesion. Fuel tanks and
lines, waterfront structures, and other critical structures
should also be tested for holidays Imperfections in the coating).
These inspection procedures are described in Section 9.
Scheduling the Work. By planning work well in advance,
it is possible to schedule it at a time when minimum inclement
weather is expected. It may also be possible to schedule it when
construction work or personnel utilizing the structures.