Automatic Data Processor-Computer.
A family of protective coatings based upon the use of alkyd resins.
Anaerobic. Free of air or uncombined oxygen; anaerobic bacteria are those
that do not use oxygen in their life cycle.
The separation between two cylindrical components.
Annular Space.
Anode. The electrode in an electrolytic cell at which oxidation is the
principal reaction. (Electrons flow away from the anode in the external
circuit. It is usually the electrode where corrosion occurs and metal ions
enter solution.)
Anode-to-Electrolyte Potential. The electrochemical energy difference between
the anode in an electrochemical cell and the surrounding environment.
Anodic 1. When used to compare the potentials of two metals or a direction of
change of potential, the more negative.
Anodic 2. A phenomenon occuring at the anode of an electrochemical cell such
As-Built. A drawing which reflects tha actual configuration of a structure
when completed.
American Society of Testing and Materials.
Excavations made by the use of a screw type excavator or
Augered Holes.
AWG. American Wire Gauge - a standard system for measuring the conductor size
in electrical wires and cables.
Backfill. Material used to refill an excavation. Usually material used to
surround either a sacrificial or impressed current anode. Also, the material
used to refill the ditch surrounding a pipeline.
Bentonite. A natural clay. In sacrificial anodes, it is commonly used as a
component of the backfill around the anode.
A measurement of metal hardness performed using a standard method.
Having a high content of carbon such as carbonaceous backfill.
Cancer causing such as carcenogenic compounds.
Same as cast-in straps.
Cast-In Core.