Ohm-Centimeter. A measurement of bulk electrical resistivity of a material.
A material having a resistance of one ohm when measured across opposite faces
of a one centimeter cube has a resistivity of one ohm-centimeter. Equivalent
to ohms per cubic centimeter.
Over-The-Ditch-Coating. A field applied coating applied immediately before
placing the pipe in the excavation.
Pad-Mounted. Usually refers to electrical equipment mounted on a raised
foundation near ground level.
Passivate. A reduction in the current flow from an electrode due to either
the flow of electric current, the formation of an insulating corrosion
product, or a change in environment.
pH. A measurement of acidity or alkalinity of a solution. Specifically the
negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration. Ranges from 0 to 14
with 7 being neutral, lower than 7 acidic, and higher than 7 alkaline.
Capable of generating electric current directly from light.
Platinized. Coated with platinum. A family of impressed current anodes use
platinum coatings over an inert substrate.
POL. Petroleum oil, lubricant.
An acronym used for petroleum fuels and
Usually refers to electrical equipment mounted on a service
A type of insulating material based upon polymerization of alkene
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs). Chemical compounds formerly used as
insulating and cooling liquids in electrical equipment. Due to their
carcenogenic properties, they are no longer used in new equipment.
An insulating material based upon polymerization of propylene
A type of polyvinyl flouride used as an insulating material.
PZ Piling. A configuration of interlocking steel sheet piling commonly used
for bulkheads.
A waterfront structure consisting of a bulkhead.
Recalcined. Refers to carbonaceous material which has been reheated to drive
off additional volatile material subsequent to the initial heating process
which changes coal to coke.