UFC 4-150-06
12 December 2001
Table 5-18 Diameter of Berth, in Feet, Using Standard Fleet Moorings, Rise
Chaina - Continued
Overall Vessel
Length, m (ft)
Depth of
Water at
MLLW (m (ft))
3.1 (10)
562 (1,845)
6.1 (20)
567 (1,860) 626 (2,055)
9.1 (30)
572 (1,875) 636 (2,085) 695 (2,280) 754 (2,475) 818 (2,685)
12.2 (40)
581 (1,905) 640 (2,100) 700 (2,295) 764 (2,505) 823 (2,700)
15.2 (50)
585 (1,920) 645 (2,115) 709 (2,325) 764 (2,505) 828 (2,715)
18.3 (60)
590 (1,935) 654 (2,145) 713 (2,340) 788 (2,585) 837 (2,745)
21.3 (70)
599 (1,965) 658 (2,160) 718 (2,355) 782 (2,565) 841 (2,760)
24.4 (80)
604 (1,980) 663 (2,175) 727 (2,385) 786 (2,580) 846 (2,775)
27.4 (90)
608 (1,995) 678 (2,205) 732 (2,400) 791 (2,595) 855 (2,805)
30.5 (100)
617 (2,025) 677 (2,220) 736 (2,415) 800 (2,625) 860 (2,820)
33.5 (110)
622 (2,040) 681 (2,235) 748 (2,455) 805 (2,640) 864 (2,835)
36.6 (120)
626 (2,055) 690 (2,265) 750 (2,460) 809 (2,655) 873 (2,865)
39.6 (130)
636 (2,085) 695 (2,280) 754 (2,475) 818 (2,685) 878 (2,880)
42.7 (140)
640 (2,100) 700 (2,295) 764 (2,505) 823 (2,700) 882 (2,895)
45.7 (150)
645 (2,115) 709 (2,325) 768 (2,520) 828 (2,715) 892 (2,925)
48.8 (160)
654 (2,145) 713 (2,340) 773 (2,535) 837 (2,745) 896 (2,940)
51.8 (170)
658 (2,160) 718 (2,355) 782 (2,565) 841 (2,760) 901 (2,955)
54.9 (180)
663 (2,175) 727 (2,385) 786 (2,580) 846 (2,775) 910 (2,985)
57.9 (190)
678 (2,205) 732 (2,400) 791 (2,595) 855 (2,805) 914 (3,000)
61 (200)
This table is based on the following assumptions:
Length of riser chain is equal to depth of water at
mean high water.
Ground chains are of length called for by drawings and are pulled
taut when installed.
Anchor drags 27 m (90 ft) from initial position.
55 m (180 ft) of ship's chain used between vessel and buoy.
Basic formula b = (2/3) (d + 1v + C1)
Where: b
= diameter of berth, in feet
= depth of water, in feet at MHW
= length overall of vessel, in feet
C1 = 91 m (300 ft) (includes 9 m (30-ft) allowance for increase
radius of berth for drop in waterline due to fall
of tide, 55 m (180 ft) from buoy to ship, and 27 m (90-ft)
allowance for drag of anchor