b) The second day the class is divided into two
groups of 54 students each. Each group then goes to either the
B1 or B2 structure. In the B1 building, the group is divided
into two groups of 27 students. One group goes to the top level
of B1 and one group goes to the bottom level of B1. The top
group performs a vertical entry into the space and attacks the
oil spray-bilge fire. The lower group should attack the prop
shaft bilge fire alternately with the top level group. When
both levels have completed fires, groups alternate from the top
to the bottom and bottom to the top and repeat. In the B2
building, the group of 54 is also split into two groups of 27
each. The first group of 27 is then split into two groups and
each attacks the mattress and metal storage locker fires
together from two separate entrances until each member has
fought a Class "Alpha" fire as a nozzleman. The second group of
27 fights the electrical panel and the wire bundle fires until
each member has extinguished a Class "Charlie" fire. The second
group should also watch a demonstration on the deep fat fryer
and stack hood fire. Once both groups are finished with their
first part of B2, they should alternate with the other group
until students have completed B2.
Until completion of each building, the group from B1
should go to B2 and the B2 group should go to B1 until students
have completed both buildings.
For propane usage, agent usage and total utilities,
see Table 7. Ventilation. (See Table 8). Provide an exhaust
outlet above each bilge area and in each compartment. Ducts
from one fireplace should not run horizontally through the
compartment of another fireplace. The design capacity of
exhaust fans for the B1, B2, B3, and B4 buildings should be
equal to the maximum building ventilation L/s "air out."
instructor's station is expected to add 7800 W to the air
conditioning load. Normal occupancy should be six people.
electrical room below the instructor's station has an air
conditioning load of 7102 W due to equipment. Individual
thermostatic control is required for each area.