DESIGN: NAVY FIREFIGHTING SCHOOL FACILITIESRecord of Changes - 4_179_010002FOREWORD - 4_179_010003CONTENTS - 4_179_010004CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION - 4_179_010005REFERENCES-continued - 4_179_010006APPENDIX A. MIL-HDBK 1027/1B FIREFIGHTING SCHOOL FACILITIESDEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE HANDBOOK FIREFIGHTING SCHOOL FACILITIESFOREWORD - 4_179_010010TRAINING FACILITIES CRITERIA MANUALS - 4_179_010011CONTENTS - 4_179_010012CONTENTS-continued - 4_179_010013CONTENTS-continued - 4_179_010014CONTENTS-continued - 4_179_010015CONTENTS-continued - 4_179_010016CONTENTS-continued - 4_179_010017CONTENTS-continued - 4_179_010018CONTENTS-continued - 4_179_010019TABLES - 4_179_010020REFERENCES - 4_179_010021Section 1: INTRODUCTION - 4_179_010022Types of TrainersSection 2: DESIGN CRITERIAEnergy Conservation - 4_179_010025Utility DesignBreathing Air - 4_179_010027Emergency Power - 4_179_010028FuelStorage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases-continued - 4_179_010030Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases-continued - 4_179_010031Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases-continued - 4_179_010032Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases-continued - 4_179_010033Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases-continued - 4_179_010034Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases-continued - 4_179_010035Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases-continued - 4_179_010036Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases-continued - 4_179_010037Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases-continued - 4_179_010038Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases-continued - 4_179_010039Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases-continued - 4_179_010040Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases-continued - 4_179_010041Natural Gas - 4_179_010042Water - 4_179_010043Wastewater - 4_179_010044Supporting Facilities - 4_179_010045Storage and RefillOther FacilitiesWild HoseMaintenance Contractor AreaDevice ContractorFacility ContractorDeviceGas ChamberArchitectural - 4_179_010054Plumbing - 4_179_010055Electrical - 4_179_010056Section 3: TRAINING STRUCTUREHeat ProtectionDrainage - 4_179_010059ConsumablesFireplace Compartment DimensionsDoors and Hatches - 4_179_010062Ladders - 4_179_010063Lighting and ElectricalSpecial Compartment LightingElectrical Interlocks in Crawl Space and Burner Rooms-continued - 4_179_010066Electrical Interlocks in Crawl Space and Burner Rooms-continued - 4_179_010067Floors - 4_179_010068Crawl Space FloorStaging FloorWalls - 4_179_010071Cool DownRoofs and CeilingsInstructor's Station and Electrical SpaceVentilation - 4_179_010075Combustion Air - 4_179_010076Equipment - 4_179_010077Dampers-continuedFanFan-continuedTable 1. Main Ventilation Air for Fireplace Compartment of 21C12 and 21C12A StructuresControl - 4_179_010082Other RoomsSafety - 4_179_01008421C12 and 21C12A StructuresFireplace CompartmentCrawl SpaceAFFF Fill StationCO2 Extinguisher Fill StationFireplacesMechanical - 4_179_010091Table 2. 21C12 and 21C12A StructuresTable 2. 21C12 and 21C12A Structures-continued - 4_179_010093Table 2. 21C12 and 21C12A Structures-continued - 4_179_010094Ventilation for 21C12 and 21C12A Structures-continuedAir Conditioning and HeatingBreathing Air - 4_179_010097Electrical - 4_179_010098Central Control PanelManual Pull Stations19F1A and 19F1B StructuresCeilings - 4_179_010102Table 3. Dimensions of Burn Areas for 19F1A and 19F1B Structures FiguresEnclosures - 4_179_010104Instructor's Station - 4_179_010105Mechanical - 4_179_010106Table 4. 19F1A and 19F1B StructuresTable 4. 19F1A and 19F1B Structures-continuedVentilation - 4_179_010109Electrical - 4_179_01011019F3 and 19F3B StructuresArchitectural - 4_179_010112Galley/Berthing Fire BuildingMechanical - 4_179_010114Table 6. Dimensions for 19F3 and 19F3B Structures Fireplace LocationsVentilation - 4_179_010116Table 7. 19F3 and 19F3B StructuresTable 7. 19F3 and 19F3B Structures-continued - 4_179_010118Table 7. 19F3 and 19F3B Structures-continued - 4_179_010119Table 7. 19F3 and 19F3B Structures-continued - 4_179_010120Electrical - 4_179_01012119F3A and 19F3C StructuresDoors and Hatches - 4_179_010123Miscellaneous - 4_179_010124Table 9. Dimensions for 19F3A and 19F3C Structures FireplacesMechanical - 4_179_010126Table 10. 19F3A and 19F3C StructuresTable 10. 19F3A and 19F3C Structures-continuedFirefighting AgentsElectrical - 4_179_010130Architectural - 4_179_010131Layout-continued - 4_179_010132Foam DeckCrash LockersStructural FeaturesMechanical - 4_179_010136Table 12. 19F4 and 19F4A StructuresTable 12. 19F4 and 19F4A Structures-continuedVentilation - 4_179_010139Electrical - 4_179_01014019F5 and 19F5A StructuresInstructor's Station - 4_179_010142Miscellaneous - 4_179_010143Mechanical - 4_179_010144Table 13. 19F5 and 19F5A StructuresTable 13. 19F5 and 19F5A Structures-continuedVentilation - 4_179_010147Electrical - 4_179_010148Section 4: AGENTS AND APPARATUSSubstitute-continuedHandling SystemPortable AFFF Fire ExtinguishersPotassium BicarbonateCarbon Dioxide (CO2)Carbon Dioxide (CO2)-continuedHalonHose Station 1 (HS1)Foam Reel (FR)Stand Pipe (SP)Submarine Hose Station 3 (SHS3)PKP Fire Extinguisher (PFE)Section 5: PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENTTable 15. Typical Air EmissionsTable 16. Wastewater CharacteristicsTable 16. Wastewater Characteristics-continued - 4_179_010165Table 16. Wastewater Characteristics-continued - 4_179_010166Table 16. Wastewater Characteristics-continued - 4_179_010167Table 16. Wastewater Characteristics-continued - 4_179_010168Table 16. Wastewater Characteristics-continued - 4_179_010169Table 16. Wastewater Characteristics-continued - 4_179_010170Table 16. Wastewater Characteristics-continued - 4_179_010171Wastewater - 4_179_010172General-continuedTable 17. Wastewater Surcharge LimitsPretreatmentPretreatment-continuedRecoveryRecovery-continuedAPPENDIX A. GENERALFigure A-1A. 19F1A, 19F3, 19F3A, 19F1B, 19F3C BILGE FIREPLACE STRUCTUREFigure A-1B. 19F5, 19F5A Bilge FireplaceFigure A-1C. 19F1A, 19F1B, 19F3, 19F3A, 19F3C Oil Spray/Bilge FireplaceFigure A-2. Typical Deep Fat Fryer FireplaceFigure A-3. Typical Mattress/Locker FireplaceFigure A-4. Hose Station Detail HS1-40 mmFigure A-5. HS2-65 mm Hose Station DetailFigure A-6. FR-AFFF Hose Reel DetailFigure A-7. Quick Acting Watertight DoorFigure A-8. Ellison Type DoorFigure A-9A. Fireplace SupportFigure A-9B. Fireplace SupportFigure A-12. Particulate ComplianceFigure A-11. Recharging Tilt Rack and Fill EquipmentFigure A-12. Watertight Hatch for Emergency Escape TrunkFigure A-13A. Wild Hose Demonstration FacilityFigure A-13B. Wild Hose Post DetailFigure A-14. Portable Pump P-250 Demonstration FacilityFigure A-15. Separation Chamber, 21C12 and 19F Series DevicesFigure A-16. Calsoft L-40 Viscosity Characteristic CurveFigure A-17. Calsoft L-40/Water Viscosity Characteristic CurveFigure 18. Two Position Control InterfaceFigure A-19. Floating Point Control InterfaceFigure A-20A. Exhaust Fan/Crawl Space Power Controls & InterlocksEXHAUST FAN SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONFigure A-20C. Exhaust Fan/Crawl Space Power Controls & InterlocksCRAWL SPACE POWER SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONFigure A-21A. AFFF StationFigure A-21B AFFF StationNOTES - 4_179_010209NOTES-continued - 4_179_010210Figure A-21E AFFF StationFigure A-21F. AFFF StationSEQUENCE OF OPERATION - 4_179_010213SEQUENCE OF OPERATION-continuedFigure A-21I. AFFF StationFigure A-21J. AFFF StationFigure A-22. Luminare, Type 1 & 2APPENDIX B. 19F1A AND 19F1B STRUCTURESFigure B-1. 19F1A/19F1B IsometricFigure B-2. 19F1A/19F1B Staging Area PlanFigure B-3. 19F1A/19F1B Second Floor PlanFigure B-4. 19F1A/19F1B First Floor PlanFigure B-5. 19F1A/19F1B SectionsAPPENDIX C. 19F3 AND 19F3B STRUCTURESFigure C-1. 19F3/19F3B B-1 Bilge Fire Building Roof PlanFigure C-2. 19F3/19F3B B-1 First Floor Plan - 4_179_010226Figure C-3. 19F3/19F3B Galley/Berthing Building B2 First Floor PlanFigure C-4. 19F3/19F3B Pit Fire Building B3 & B4 First Floor PlanFigure C-5. 19F3/19F3B B1 SectionsFigure 3C. 19F3/19F3B B2 SectionFigure C-7. 19F3/19F3B B3/B4 SectionAPPENDIX D. 19F3A AND 19F3C STRUCTURESTYPICAL PIPING DIAGRAM - 4_179_010233Figure D-2 19F3A/19F3C Second Floor PlanFigure D-3. 19F3A/19F3C Roof PlanFigure D-4. 19F3A/19F3C ElevationAPPENDIX E. 19F4 AND 19F4A STRUCTURESFigure E-1. 19F4/19F4A Training Deck Floor PlanFigure E-2. 19F4/19F4A ElevationFigure E-3. 19F4/19F4A Foam DeckFigure E-4. 19F4/19F4A AFFF Balanced Pressure Proportioning SystemFigure E-5. Training and Foam Deck RailingFigure E-6. 19F4/19F4A Crawlspace Plan and PedestalAPPENDIX F. 19F5 AND 19F5A STRUCTURESFigure F-1. 19F5/19F5A First Floor PlanFigure F-2. 19F5/19F5A ElevationAPPENDIX G. 21C12 AND 21C12A STRUCTURESFigure G-1. 21C12/21C12A First Floor PlanFigure G-2. 21C12/21C12A SectionFigure G-3. 21C12/21C12A SectionFigure G-4A. 21C12/21C12A Training Compartment/Equipment MockupFigure G-4B. 21C12/21C12A Training Compartment/Equipment MockupFigure G-5. 21C12/21C12A OBA Canister Storage RackFigure G-6. 21C12/21C12A EAB CabinetFigure G-7. 21C12/21C12A OBA LockerFigure G-8. 21C12/21C12A Fire Hose Locker Wall MountedFigure G-9. 21C12/21C12A Fire Hose Locker Floor MountedFigure G-10A. AFFF Fill StationFigure G-10B. AFFF Fill StationFigure G-11. 21C12/21C12A EAB Outlet HousingFigure G-12A. Combined Hose StationFigure G-12B. Combined Hose StationFigure G-12C. Combined Hose StationFigure G-12D. Combined Hose StationFigure G-12E. Combined Hose StationFigure G-12F. Combined Hose StationFigure G-13A. EAB System SchematicFigure G-13B. EAB System SchematicFigure G-13C. EAB System SchematicFigure G-13D. EAB System SchematicFigure G-13E. EAB System SchematicFigure G-13F. EAB System SchematicFigure G-14. 21C12/21C12A - Alarm Ssytem SchematicAPPENDIX H. GAS CHAMBERFigure H-1. Gas Chamber Gas Mask Wall StorageFigure H-2. Gas Chamber Floor PlanAPPENDIX I. CO2Figure I-1. 21C12/21C12A CO2 Bulk Tank DetailsFigure I-2. 21C12/21C12A CO2 SchematicsFigure I-3. 21C12/21C12A Co2 SchematicsFigure I-4. 21C12/21C12A CO2 Manual Extinguisher Fill PumpFigure I-5. 21C12/21C12A CO2 Flow SchematicFigure I-6. 21C12/21C12A Co2 Wiring SchematicFigure I-7. 21C12/21C12A CO2 LegendAPPENDIX J. PROPANEFigure J-1A. Clearance RequirementsFigure J-1B. Clearance RequirementsFigure J-2. Propane Gas Train at Facility/Device InterfaceFigure J-3. Symbol Interpretation/IdentificationFigure J-4A. Waterbath Vaporizer with Liquid PumpFigure J-4B. Waterbath Vaporizer with Liquid PumpFigure J-5A. Steam Heated Vaporizer with Liquid PumpFigure J-5B. Steam Heated Vaporizer with Liquid PumpFigure J-6A. Water Vaporizer Without Liquid PumpFigure J-6B. Waterbath Vaporizer Without Liquid PumpFigure J-7A. Steam Heated Vaporizer Without Liquid PumpFigure J-7B. Steam Heated Vaporizer Without Liquid PumpREFERENCES - 4_179_010298REFERENCES-continued - 4_179_010299REFERENCES-continued - 4_179_010300REFERENCES-continued - 4_179_010301REFERENCES-continued - 4_179_010302REFERENCES-continued - 4_179_010303REFERENCES-continued - 4_179_010304GLOSSARY - 4_179_010305GLOSSARY-continued - 4_179_010306GLOSSARY-continued - 4_179_010307STANDARDIZATION DOCUMENT IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL - 4_179_0103084_179_01