Architectural Design. Architectural design aspects of the facility
shall be reviewed by NAVFAC and the Engineer-In-Charge (EIC) who is
responsible for management of the Architect/Engineer-CA/E) design contract.
Computer Design Aids. An interactive system selection model
(CM-5291, based on NAVSUP PUB-529 procedures, has been developed by the David
W. Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center (DTNSRDC) to facilitate
use of NAVSUP PUB-529. CM-529 displays the least cost system and storage
height that satisfies specified criteria. It also displays the least cost
system at all applicable storage heights. The user can then examine all
systems at a specified height regardless of system cost. The selection of a
system to meet the specified requirements is under the control of the user
who can make a selection considering unique requirements that cannot be
specified in the model. This aid is available through NAVSUP Navy Warehouse
Utilization Program.