Traffic Flow. Arrangement of the facility on the site and internal
arrangement of the operating systems shall be evaluated to reduce or
eliminate areas of conflicting traffic. Consider interaction with base
traffic flow.
Safety. Provide safety markings on walls and floors. Define areas
equipment (fire hoses , portable extinguishers, standpipes, etc.). Provide
specialized safety equipment (eye wash/shower, spill lockers, etc.) in
hazardous materials areas. Provide all additional safety features required
by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), in accordance
with Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 1910, Occupational
Safety and Health Standards.
System Costs. Several alternative systems may be feasible to
satisfy a given storage requirement. Each alternative under consideration
must be considered in terms of its full life-cycle total funding implications
regardless of funding source, as well as its benefits. Selected equipment
shall be identified, evaluated, and priced as early as practical. Timing of
costs and savings is an essential factor in economic analysis. Include only
those costs and cash flows which the decision can affect. Refer to the
Economic Analysis Handbook, NAVFAC P-442, for procedures and analysis
presentation format.
Investment Cost. Investment cost includes some or all of the
following costs associated with development of alternatives. Net total
investment is the algebraic sum (plus and minus) of the dollar amounts of the
one-time cost elements in subparagraphs to In the event
these costs do not occur during the project base year (Time Zero), convert
all costs to their equivalent present value costs for the project base year.
Research and Development. Include all research and development
costs incurred after the decision point.
Facility Investment. Include all costs associated with the
acquisition of equipment, real property, nonrecurring services, nonrecurring
operation and maintenance (startup) costs, and other one-time investment
costs. If investment costs may be spread over several years, the year(s)
must be identified.
Working Capital Changes. Working capital changes can be positive,
representing additional funding requirements, or negative, representing a
reduction in funding requirements.
Value of Existing Assets Employed. The value of existing assets
(already onhand) shall be included in the investment cost only when one of
the two following conditions is met:
a) When the use of the existing asset will result in a cash outlay
on some other project which would otherwise not be incurred; i.e., when the
existing asset is currently in use (or has an alternative planned use) on
some other project.