Canopy. Provide a minimum 6 foot 0 inch (1830 mm) full length
canopy (Figure 15) over outside docks to protect the trailer and door
interface and dock shelter or door seal from excessive weather exposure.
Safety Equipment. Equip each truck dock with safety equipment
consisting of wheel chocks and door-mounted lights to Illuminate the trailer
interior. In lieu of wheel chocks, dock levelers may be equipped with
manually or electrically operated trailer restraints. Figure 16 Illustrates
a typical installation of a dock shelter, dock leveler, and trailer restraint
Construction. Economy and local availability of materials shall be
The most prevalent construction materials are conventional structural steel
frames with insulated metal siding or siding of protected metal or corrugated
aluminum. Alternate systems may be used, including reinforced concrete frame
construction with precast or masonry walls. Where possible, tubular interior
columns shall be used in steel construction. Provide allowances for seismic
and wind loads as required by Seismic Design for Buildings, NAVFAC P-355; and
NFPA 78.
Construction Materials. Structural steel framing with insulated
metal siding shall be used for economy and availability of components.
Systems employing reinforced concrete frame construction or precast or
masonry walls may be used, depending on their cost, availability of
materials, and protective design and fire/hazardous chemicals protection
requirements. Seismic and wind load factors shall be included in all
designs. Roof systems may be of a tar, felt, and gravel buildup roof
construction over a concrete deck or metal pan roof system, or a single layer
membrane-type roof over insulation. Comply with requirements of DOD 4270.1-M
and MIL-HDBK-1008 for combustibility and flame spread criteria.
Foundation. Foundation design shall be based on criteria in
Foundations and Earth Structures, NAVFAC DM-7.02.
Structural Frame. Selection of a structural frame system other
than steel must show careful study of the advantages and disadvantages of
alternative systems, as well as the reasons for using the system considered
most suitable. Before selecting structural systems, determine if the
building will be wall-bearing or framed construction. Refer to the NAVFAC
Architecture Criteria Manuals and Structural Engineering - General
Requirements, NAVFAC DM-2.01, for criteria.
Selection Factors.
Investigate the following during selection of
the structural system:
Availability of materials.
Speed of erection.
Quality of local materials.