Section 1. INTRODUCTION - 4_832_010022Facilities - 4_832_010023Water Conservation - 4_832_010024Overview of the Clean Water ActWater Quality Based StandardsTechnology-Based StandardsNational Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)Operations and Maintenance (O&M) ManualSection 2. INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER COLLECTION AND TREATMENTToxic PollutantsPretreatment RegulationsPlanning and Design ProceduresMetal Plating WastesFigure 1. Planning and design Steps for Industrial Waste Treatment FacilityFigure 1. Planning and design Steps for Industrial Waste Treatment Facility - continuedFlow CharacteristicsTable 2. Characteristics of Industrial WastesTable 2. Characteristics of Industrial Wastes - continued - 4_832_010039Table 2. Characteristics of Industrial Wastes - continued - 4_832_010040Radioactive WastesMixing ConditionsToxic SubstancesTable 3. Threshold Concentrations for Heavy Metal Inhibition of Biological Treatment Processes1Bioassay of WastewatersRapid Bioassay Procedure (RBP)Uncontaminated WastesPipe DiameterTable 4. Sewer StructuresTable 5. Sewer Pipe Selection GuideTable 5. Sewer Pipe Selection Guide - continuedCapacity - 4_832_010052Wet WellsDry Wells (for other than submersible pump stations).Maintenance ConsiderationsAppurtenances - 4_832_010056Paint ShopsMetal Plating OperationsFigure 2. Wastewater Diversion ChamberTreatment System - 4_832_010060Receiving WaterDisposal of SludgesLandfill DisposalReclamationMetallic ReplacementPhysical-Chemical Treatment Process SelectionTable 6. Process Selection Guide for Pretreatment of Industrial WastewaterTable 6. Process Selection Guide for Pretreatment of Industrial Wastewater - continuedTable 7. Physical-Chemical Treatment of Industrial WastesTable 7. Physical-Chemical Treatment of Industrial Wastes - continued - 4_832_010070Table 7. Physical-Chemical Treatment of Industrial Wastes - continued - 4_832_010071Table 7. Physical-Chemical Treatment of Industrial Wastes - continued - 4_832_010072Sludge Production - 4_832_010073Precipitation - 4_832_010074Sludge Production - 4_832_010075SedimentationFigure 3. Solubility of Metal Hydroxides and Sulfides as a Function of pHProcess ControlTable 8. Estimated Maximum 30-Day Average for Lime and Sulfide Precipitation1Activated CarbonTable 9. Granular Carbon Adsorption Treatment ApplicationsWastewater CharacteristicsTreatment System - 4_832_010083Treatment System - 4_832_010084Figure 4A. NADEP Wastewater Treatment flow SchematicFigure 4B. NADEP Wastewater Trteatmet Flow SchematicFigure 4C. NADEP Wastewater Treatment Flow SchematicFigure 4D. NADEP Wastewater Treatment Flow SchematicFigure 4E. NADEP Wastewater Treatment Flow SchematicFigure 4A. Process Schematics for Chrome Reduction, Cyanide Oxidation and Phenol OxidationFigure 4B. Process Schematics for Chrome Reduction, Cyanide Oxidation and Phenol OxidationFigure 4C. Process Schematics for Chrome Reduction, Cyanide Oxidation and Phenol OxidationFigure 6A. Process Schematic for Batch and Continuous Flow Metal PrecipitationFigure 6B. Process Schematic for Batch and Continuous Flow Metal PrecipitationFigure 6C. Process Schematic for Batch and Continuous Flow Metal PrecipitationFacilities LayoutFederal Safety YellowDesign Factors - 4_832_010098Figure 7. Layout for Industrial Waste Treatment FacilityTable 10. Color Coding Criteria for Piping Systems at Wastewater Facilities1Operational FactorsEquipment Selection - 4_832_010102Material Selection - 4_832_010103Material Selection - continuedSection 3. OILY WASTEWATER COLLECTION AND TREATMENTAircraft Washracks and Rinse AreasFire Training AreaDischarge CriteriaPoint Source ControlIncinerationCharacteristics - 4_832_010111FlowsCollection and TransferShipsShip Oily Wastewater FlowsTable 11. Ship Bilge Pump DataTable 11. Ship Bilge Pump Data - continued - 4_832_010117Table 11. Ship Bilge Pump Data - continued - 4_832_010118Table 12. Estimated Daily Oily Waste Flows for Facility DesignTable 12. Estimated Daily Oily Waste Flows for Facility Design - continuedFigure 8. Ship - to - Shore Oily Waste Hose ConnectionSmall FacilitiesSmall Facilities - continuedShoreside Collection SystemsCollection System LayoutSpecial Considerations - 4_832_010126Gravity Flow Collection SystemFigure 9. Pier Recieving Hose Riser AssemblySizing of Pier Main and LateralsSizing of Pier Main and Laterals - continued - 4_832_010130Sizing of Pier Main and Laterals - continued - 4_832_010131Figure 10. Viscosity-Temperature Relationship for Marine Diesel FuelFigure 11. Oily Waste Collection Pipeline - NomenclaturePump StationsOily Wastewater TreatmentTreatment RequirementsTable 13. Treatment RequirementsTable 13. Treatment Requirements - continued - 4_832_010138Table 13. Treatment Requirements - continued - 4_832_010139Discharge to Navigable WaterSulfide ControlFigure 12A. Treatment system for Discharge to POTW or Navigable WaterFigure 12B. Treatment system for Discharge to POTW or Navigable WaterChemical OxidationDissolved Metals RemovalEmulsified Oil TreatmentFigure 13. In-line Chemical Addition System CoagulantsFigure 14. Solubilities of Metal Hydroxides as a Function of pHPolyelectrolytesEquipment - 4_832_010151Basis of SizingBasis of Sizing - continued - 4_832_010153Basis of Sizing - continued - 4_832_010154Figure 15. Load Equalization Tank (LET)Basis of Sizing - continued - 4_832_010156Sloping BottomFlexible Tube SkimmerSample TapsAPI SeparatorFigure 16. Tube type Oil Skimmer InstallationFigure 17. Floating Weir Type Skimmer InstallationTable 14. API Separator Design CriteriaParallel Plate SeparatorSkimming DamFigure 18A. API SeparatorFigure 18B. API SeparatorFigure 19. Induced Gravity SeparatorsTable 15. Parallel Plate Oil-Water Separator Design DataTable 15. Parallel Plate Oil-Water Separator Design Data - continuedDiversion PondEquipment - 4_832_010172Chemical Conditioning - 4_832_010173Figure 20A. Skimming Dam Details Figure 20B. Skimming Dam Details Figure 21A. Diversion Pond DetailsFigure 21B. Diversion Pond Details - 4_832_010177Figure 21B. Diversion Pond Details - 4_832_010178Figure 22. Schematic of Dissolved Air Flotation Oil - Water Separator Multimedia FiltrationCoalescing FiltrationActivated Carbon AdsorptionFigure 23. Mixed media FiltrationSludge Dewatering and DisposalSludge Drying Beds.Figure 24. Schematic of Coalescing FilterSludge Drying Beds - continuedMechanical Dewatering and DisposalFigure 25. Two-Vessel Granular Carbon Adaption SystemBelt Filter PressVacuum FiltrationUltimate Disposal Options (Conventional)Oil ReclamationChemical TreatmentPumps, Valves, and PipingValves - 4_832_010196Figure 26. Oil Emulsion Treatment SchematicInstrumentation - 4_832_010198Section 4. METERING, INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL, AND CHEMICAL FEEDINGPoliciesEquipment AccuracyUse Limitations - 4_832_010202Use Limitations - 4_832_010203Table 17. Types of Measuring Devices Applicable to Wastewater Treatment SystemsTable 17. Types of Measuring Devices Applicable to Wastewater Treatment Systems - continued - 4_832_010205Table 17. Types of Measuring Devices Applicable to Wastewater Treatment Systems - continued - 4_832_010206Table 17. Types of Measuring Devices Applicable to Wastewater Treatment Systems - continued - 4_832_010207Table 18. Metering, Instrumentation, and Control Requirements for Industrial Wastewater Treatment SystemsTable 18. Metering, Instrumentation, and Control Requirements for Industrial Wastewater Treatment Systems - continuedControls - 4_832_010210Table 19. Function of Chemicals for Industrial and Oily Wastewater Treatmenttable 20. Data on Chemicals for Wastewater Treatmenttable 20. Data on Chemicals for Wastewater Treatment - continued - 4_832_010213table 20. Data on Chemicals for Wastewater Treatment - continued - 4_832_010214table 20. Data on Chemicals for Wastewater Treatment - continued - 4_832_010215table 20. Data on Chemicals for Wastewater Treatment - continued - 4_832_010216table 20. Data on Chemicals for Wastewater Treatment - continued - 4_832_010217Storage - 4_832_010218Tanle 21. Chemical Storage Space CriteriaTable 22. Chemical Storage Type CriteriaChemical FeedersTable 23. Types of Chemical Feeders for Wastewater Treatment SystemsTable 23. Types of Chemical Feeders for Wastewater Treatment Systems - continued - 4_832_010223Table 23. Types of Chemical Feeders for Wastewater Treatment Systems - continued - 4_832_010224Safety Precautions - 4_832_010225Sampling - 4_832_010226Sample Volume and PreservationTable 24. Recommendations for Sample Collection and Preservation According to MeasurementTable 24. Recommendations for Sample Collection and Preservation According to Measurement - continuedTable 24. Recommendations for Sample Collection and Preservation According to Measurement - continued Table 25. Analytical MethodsTable 25. Analytical Methods - continuedBIBLIOGRAPHY - 4_832_010233References - 4_832_010234References - continued - 4_832_010235References - continued - 4_832_010236References - continued - 4_832_010237References - continued - 4_832_010238References - continued - 4_832_010239References - continued - 4_832_010240References - continued - 4_832_010241GLOSSARY - 4_832_010242GLOSSARY - continued - 4_832_010243GLOSSARY - continued - 4_832_010244STANDARDIZATION DOCUMENT IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL - 4_832_0102454_832_01