UFC 1 -300-08
30 JUNE 2004
Fort Riley, KS 66442-6000
Block 2. [DATE PREPARED]. Enter the date the DD Form 1354 is prepared.
Use the DoD standard YYYYMMDD format for all dates. This is the date used to track
different editions when revisions are necessary. The form is considered prepared when it
is ready for signatures in blocks 24 and 25.
Example: Use 20040115 for date: 15 JAN 2004
Block 3. [PROJECT/JOB NUMBER]. Enter the project number assigned to
identify the project on a DD Form 1391 for new military construction (MILCON) or the job
order number for other projects. The project number may also come from the installation
master plan or long-range construction program. For projects generated by the installation
DPW/FacMgr/BCE/DIS, the DD Form 1354 JOB NUMBER is the Individual Job Order
(IJO) number associated with the Facility Engineer Work Request or otherwise Service
assigned. The job number will allow you to track the capital improvement back to the actual
work performed, which is important since many projects, even MILCON, originate as a
work request. Work requests at the installation DPW/FacMgr/BCE/DIS are entered
directly into the Integrated Facilities System (IF S) or other work management system.
Typically, work requests follow the format (AAA-SSSSS-FP), where A is a two or three
character customer ID, S is a five character serial number, F is the last digit of the fiscal
year, and P is the type of project. Coordinate with the customer service branch of the
DPW/FacMgr/BCE/DIS prior to preparation of the DD Form 1354 to validate the work
request or job number. The project/job number is the same for all versions of the 1354 for
a single capitalization project. Use this number to search for the different versions if
Examples: DD Form 1391 project number might be 20027. Project initiated by
IFS Work Request - FE-00027-3P.
Block 4. [SERIAL NUMBER]. This is the document number assigned to the
1354 by the construction agent organization originating the 1354, e.g., USACE
District/NAVFAC Division, DPW/FacMgr/BCE/DIS, etc. Each version of the 1354 for the
same project has a new Serial Number. Each originating organization has its own
sequence of serial numbers. The Serial Number consists of the 4-digit fiscal year and a
sequential number (within their own organization) that starts over each fiscal year. Use the
next sequential number for each DD Form 1354 originated. Installation
DPW/FacMgr/BCE/DIS and USACE/NAVFAC will use their own sequence as the next
Serial Number in their sequence of DD Forms 1354. For example, if the last
DPW/FacMgr/BCE/DIS serial number is 2004-0003 and they receive a DD Form 1354
from the District, that 1354 would use the District's sequence number. The next
DPW/FacMgr/BCE/DIS serial number would then be 2004-0004. The 1354 Serial Number
facilitates tracking of all 1354 originated by an organization/activity. The Serial Number is
in no way related to the Voucher Number (block 26).
Example: 2004-0001, 2004-0002; where 2004 is the fiscal year and the last