2.4.5 Traffic Impacts The development of an Army Reserve Center will normally
result in additional traffic to the existing roadways at the site access
point(s). As noted above, such access points should be minimized.
The roadway from which access is gained will generally be under the
jurisdiction of a public agency (state Department of Transportation,
county, township or municipality). A Government installation with a
public works department will be responsible for the installation
roadways. The responsible agency for the accessed roadway should be
identified and contacted to review the project traffic planning. The
designer should verify that the responsible agency has not delegated
roadway use and planning to a subordinate agency or level (i.e., a
state highway for which the state Department of Transportation is
allowing the local municipality to determine turn lane requirements).
As with utilities, any required applications, permits, reviews, fees,
design/construction requirements, or service upgrades should be
identified, and their impacts on design and construction costs and
schedules should be calculated. An estimate of the traffic generation information for the facility
should be developed for the review with the responsible agency. It is
not unusual for such agencies to limit the number and location of
access points, or to require directional access (left- and right-hand
turns), turn lanes, acceleration/deceleration lanes, or alignment and
spacing in relation to existing access points. Work on the accessed roadway is normally off-site
construction and the responsible agency may or may not allow
construction by another agency or "private" party within its right-
ofway. The procedures for designing, permitting and implementing this
roadway work and associated fees must be identified. The
responsible roadway agency may also require a performance bond in
its name for the value of the work in their right-of-way, if the
construction is accomplished as part of the Government's site
construction contract.
2.4.6 Military Vehicle Information The designers should verify what types of vehicles the Tenants
will employ, and design site circulation and parking to accommodate
them. These may include commercial delivery vehicles as well as the
military vehicles operated and maintained by the unit(s). Site
roadways and MEP areas are typically designed with turning radii to
accommodate commercial over-the-road trucks, unless the Tenants
UFC 4-171-05