36 Electrical: Manufactured flexible wiring for light fixtures in
lay-in ceilings, warehouse and storage area ceilings. Main electrical
room and electrical closets located adjacent to load centers. Telephone
rooms and IT rooms located in the center of the building within 50
meters of the most remote outlet. Spare capacity in distribution
equipment for future expansion or additional loads. Run empty conduits
for future expansion areas. Run cable trays for communication wiring.
To extend power supply and communication system to electrified
partitions, use power poles in existing buildings and use flush floor
boxes/poke-through boxes in new facilities. Minimize the use of power
poles in new construction open office areas. Provisions for future expansion must be designed into each
project, especially new centers. In the training center buildings,
expansion will primarily consist of administrative, classroom and unit
storage spaces. The OMS will be sited to allow for the construction of
additional workbays. MEP and POV areas will be sited to
accommodate increased parking requirements associated with increases
in personnel and equipment. New Construction, Alterations and Additions The criteria and requirements contained within this Guide
pertain to all three types of projects: new construction, alterations and
additions. It is recognized, however, that due to the architectural
configuration of the existing facilities and the remaining life of its systems
and other considerations, it may not be feasible in alteration projects to
meet all new construction standards. Professional judgment is required
to design a building which combines old and new portions into a
harmonious finished design to provide a complete and usable facility at
the lowest life cycle cost. As soon as possible after design initiation, the
Design Agency should conduct a detailed facility investigation to
establish the limits of construction. These limits will be stated in narrative
form along with a checklist of required repairs/demolition to be included
with the Project Engineering, preconcept (10 percent), or charette
submission. Investigations will include the following: Review required real property maintenance and repair
work. Consult the facility manager and the AR Installation (BMAR) list. Verify accuracy of as-built drawings. Determine adequacy of supporting utilities. Determine the status of the following building components:
structural, fire protection, electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems;
windows; roof; exterior and interior walls; doors and hardware;
stairways; insulation.
UFC 4-171-05