adjacencies. The electronic weapons used can be stored in a closet
in the room; they need not be in the arms vault. Weapons training
could be located near the classrooms for possible occasional use as
a classroom. The band room is often located near the assembly hall;
however, the main criteria for its location is minimizing sound
transmission to other parts of the building, especially to
administrative and classroom areas. The physical readiness space should be located
adjacent to toilets, showers and lockers, and remote from the main
entry and formal spaces. The space should have a short route of
access to the exterior, since many of the soldiers will run as part of
their training a door directly to the exterior is desirable, if
practical, but should avoid the main entry path to the building. A conference room for a training center is almost
always associated with a General officer, and should be located
within 15 m (50 ft) of the General's office, and adjacent to full-time
staff. In most instances, it will be located within the General's suite. Support Adjacencies Toilets should be centrally located for the Tenants'
convenience, and toilets should be provided on each floor of
multistory buildings. In larger buildings, consider splitting the space
authorization not only between floors, but to provide more than one
set of toilets per floor. Locker and shower rooms should always have a
portion of the toilet space authorization located with them. The
locker and shower rooms should be adjacent to the physical
UFC 4-171-05