other codes and standards that are referenced in UFC 1-200-01. Some State and local code and regulatory agencies may not
have jurisdiction over Federal Government construction on Federal
Property. However, the AR wishes to comply with State and local
codes and regulations, and the Exchange Partner remains responsible
for such compliance. Therefore, design and construction of AR real
property improvements shall also comply with all current and
applicable State and local codes, and with all other applicable laws
and regulations governing developments, design and construction at
the site. If certain of such requirements appear particularly onerous, or
hamper AR-required functionality of the project, the Exchange
Partner may recommend the Government waive the requirement or
implement a lesser requirement. The Government's approval of such
recommendations is not assured. Where any of the applicable requirements conflict, the most
stringent shall govern. In no case shall building code, fire protection
and life safety requirements be reduced below those required in UFC
1-200-01 and this document. A comprehensive code analysis and drawing showing all fire
protection features is required for all AR construction projects. The
Design Agency shall give a standardized format for completing and
certifying the analysis and presentation of fire protection and life safety
features. When completing third party projects the content of the
analysis will include an analysis and drawing that provides the
following information:
Type of occupancy.
Type of construction
Location of fire-rated walls, doors and dampers,
including those for hazardous areas.
Exit travel distances.
Horizontal exits.
Exit signs and emergency lights.
Occupant load/exit unit widths.
Automatic extinguisher systems.
Fire detection/alarm devices.
Sprinklered areas (as appropriate) If a facility authorization includes a SCIF, the SCIF will have
a single controlled point of entry, most likely with an electronic lock. If
necessary, a separate exit (or exits if two are required) can be
provided to satisfy life safety/exiting requirements. The USAR security
personnel will want any such exits to include an audible alarm, and
possibly a short delay, for security reasons. No hardware should be
UFC 4-171-05