Appendix C
Design Criteria And Guidance
C.1 There is extensive criteria and guidance which applies to AR projects.
See Section 2.2 for a discussion of the applicability of such guidance. In
cases of conflicting requirements, the more stringent generally apply, and
Federal or military guidance generally takes precedence over other
guidance. The Using Service is the final arbiter of which criteria should be
C.2 The Scope of Work for a particular project may also include
projectspecific criteria and guidance.
C.3 The following lists are provided for designer information and
reference, and are not exhaustive. Current editions should be used. Many of
the military criteria can be found at www.hnd.usace.army.mil/techinfo/
index.htm. Other websites where criteria and information may be found are:
www.usapa.army.mil/gils/index.htm (Army Regulations);
www.cecer.army.mil/pl/project/index.cfm (MDS information);
www.ccb.org/ufgs/ufgs.htm (Unified Facility Guide Specifications and
SpecsIntact); and www.lrl.usace.army.mil/ed/specs/cegs/specs.htm (Army
Reserve and Louisville District COE Guide Specifications)
UFC 4-171-05