UFC 4-150-08
01 April 2001
Date of last inspection/testing.
Existing Data. All available relevant data on the mooring hardware to be
tested should be gathered at the earliest possible date. This information should be
provided to the persons responsible for planning and organizing the testing effort such
that the level of effort for testing a specific piece of hardware can be determined. Data
and information may be available in many forms as list below:
Mooring Hardware Inspection report
Design Plans
Berth priority Ratings
Hardware priority ratings
Site Conditions. The portion of the waterfront facility surrounding the
mooring hardware to be tested should be evaluated for accessibility. If there are no
limitations to accessibility of the mooring hardware, all options for testing should be
considered. This information assists in formulating accurate cost estimates for the
Testing Plan. Testing of fittings is relatively expensive and time
consuming, so use periodic testing using a statistical basis. Prioritize the tests based
on the importance of the mooring facility.
Various levels of testing can be instituted to achieve the desired results. For example, if
it is determined that the required level of accuracy is 100%, then all fittings will need to
be tested. If 95% accuracy is required, then the number of tests can be reduced
significantly. The sampling criteria can be based on statistical sampling techniques.
Statistical sampling provides an objective method for determining sample size for a
desired confidence level and precision. The result of a statistical sampling program
would determine the approximate number of fittings that are marginal or unacceptable;
however, it would not be able to determine the location of those fittings. An estimation
of the load carrying capacity and condition of the fittings in general could be made.
Testing of every fitting would be required for 100% accuracy. A statistical approach
may be a reasonable cost effective method of initiating a testing program that would
determine the overall adequacy of the berthing system.
Standard sampling plans are presented in ASQ Z1.9, Sampling Procedures and Tables
for Inspection of Variables for Percent Nonconforming or ASQ Z1.4, Sampling
Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes based on choice of inspection
methods; inspection by variables or by attributes. ASQ Z1.4 may be well suited for a
testing program where the fittings are either passing or failing the load test.
Facility Prioritization. Review mooring facilities and prioritize each
mooring hardware unit as 'HIGH', 'MEDIUM' or 'LOW' to determine the extent of testing
required. Consider the following factors in assigning testing priorities.
Visual inspections may find possible problems and indicate that
certain mooring fittings need to be assigned highest priority.