UFC 3-570-06
JANUARY 31 2003
Using a Radio Frequency Tester.
This method is
the most accurate and
conclusive method of testing a dielectric. Turn the insulated flange tester test switch to
"zero," turn the control knob on, and zero the needle indicator. Turn the test switch to
"test," and without turning the control knob, test the dielectric.
Figure 7-14. Testing an Installed Dielectric with the Insulated Flange Tester
Ins ulated
Ins ulated
F la nge
F la nge
T es ter
T es ter
Using a Pipe Locator. Two different types of pipe locators may indicate that
a dielectric is bad. One uses a short wave length signal (paragraph 7-7.3.2) and one
uses the signal from an impressed current system (60-cycle "noise"--this method can
only be used on impressed current systems with a single phase rectifier)(paragraph 7-
7.3.1). These methods give a rapid indication if the dielectric is shorted, but may not be