UFC 3-570-06
JANUARY 31 2003
Figure 7-11. Negative Reading for Cell-To-Cell Survey
V oltm ete r
+ -
R ef e re n ce
R ef eren ce
E le ctr o de
E lectro de
C urr en t F lo w in the E a r th
D ire ction of A nod ic A re a o n Pip eline
Determining Efficiency. The efficiency of a rectifier is determined by
measuring the output voltage (paragraph 5-2.1), output current (paragraph 5-2.2),
calculating the input in watts, and using the following formula:
Output Current X Output Voltage
Rectifier Efficiency =
Input Watts
**Input Watts = Revolutions per hour of the kWh meter disc X factor shown on the face
of the kWh meter.
Alternate Procedure. An alternate procedure to obtain the input watts is
simply measuring the AC input voltage (paragraph 5-2.1) and the AC input current (by
using an accurate clamp-on ammeter or by disconnecting and measuring AC amps with
appropriate procedures similar to 5-2.1, measuring AC voltage). This method neglects
the power factor and will not be truly accurate, but will give a reasonable approximation.
If this method is used, subsequent efficiency testing should be done in the same
manner to obtain comparable results.
Output Current X Output Voltage
Rectifier Efficiency =
Input Current X Input Voltage