UFC 4-021-01
18 DECEMBER 2002
messages, provide live voice messages and instructions, and initiate visual strobe and
(optional) textual message notification appliances. The autonomous control unit will
temporarily deactivate audible fire alarm notification appliances while delivering voice
messages to ensure they are intelligible.
If a base-wide control system for mass notification (optional) is provided on the
base, the autonomous control unit also communicates with the central control unit of the
base-wide system to provide status information and receive commands and messages.
2-3.1.2 Notification Appliance Network. A notification appliance network consists of
a set of audio speakers located to provide intelligible instructions at all locations in and
around the building. Strobes are also provided to alert hearing-impaired occupants.
Note: Intelligibility is defined in National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 72,
National Fire Alarm Code. It should be measured in accordance with International
Electrochemical Commission (IEC) 60849, Sound Systems for Emergency Purposes,
and IEC 60268, Part 16, The Objective Rating of Speech Intelligibility by Speech
Transmission Index.
Giant Voice System. This system is also known as Big Voice. The Giant
Voice system is typically installed as a base-wide system to provide a siren signal and
pre-recorded and live voice messages. It is most useful for providing mass notification
for personnel in outdoor areas, expeditionary structures, and temporary buildings. It is
generally not suitable for mass notification to personnel in permanent structures because
of the difficulty in achieving acceptable intelligibility of voice messages.
If a base-wide control system for mass notification (optional) is provided on the
base, an interface to the Giant Voice system may improve the functionality of both
Telephone Alerting System. Telephone alerting systems are independent
systems and provide delivery of recorded messages over the telephone network.
Implementation of Individual Building Mass Notification System
2-4.1.1 Introduction. Installing an individual building mass notification system
satisfies UFC 4-010-01 requirements for a single building or facility (either new
construction or an existing building). Mass notification on a base can then be
implemented incrementally as buildings or facilities are constructed, modified, or
renovated. Adding a base-wide control system for mass notification (see paragraph 2-5)
can be accomplished at any point in the process. Figure 2-1 shows the logical block
diagram for an individual building mass notification system.