1.6.4 A Reserve Center is an institutional building with both
community and national significance. The center is the home station
for the local unit composed of individuals sharing experiences of
personal action on behalf of the community, much in the same way
as a volunteer fire department. At the same time, as a Government
installation of the U. S. Army, it represents the entire Army. Thus the
design of the building must reflect the Reservists' feelings of
patriotism, pride and community participation as well as a sense of
the purpose of the U. S. Army: to keep the peace by maintaining a
strong and capable organized military force.
1.7.1 The Design Agency must seek design excellence through
Quality of
commitment to high standards. Success in achieving this objective
lies not in the repetition of previous design solutions but in relating to
the Using Service and AR Installation project-specific requirements,
and responding to their unique needs.
Figure 1-5 Total Systems Design
1.7.2 The concept of total systems design will be emphasized in
promoting the development of a functional, energy efficient and
esthetically pleasing building. Design concepts must evolve in a
multidisciplinary manner with regard to architectural, civil, structural,
electrical and mechanical systems.
1.7.3 In
evaluating the cost impact of
design decisions, the designer
will consider the life cycle cost effectiveness, not just the initial cost.
1.8.1 Design/Bid/Build Delivery Process: The majority of AR facility
Project Delivery
projects are delivered through the design/bid/build (D/B/B) process.
The Design Agency prepares a comprehensive and detailed set of
UFC 4-171-05