167 Space Design Information: Refer to arms vault and armorer's
room, Sections 4.2.11 and 4.2.12 above. Provide air conditioning.
4.5.4 Supply This space is provided for the storage, receipt and issue of
spare parts for AMSA maintenance and operations. It is a part of the
tools and parts room, but should be separated from the tools and
parts with standard caging. Space Design Information: Same as OMS tools and parts
storage, Section 4.3.3 above. A supply office may be provided adjacent to the supply
space. The design criteria are the same as those for an OMS office
space, Section 4.3.1 above. This space is provided for the repair and storage of supported
K.2.1.7 Require crimping machine to be calibrated daily
K.2.1.8 Provide generic NRCA details to help define the quality of
the roof.
K.2.2 BUR
K.2.2.1 Use a modified bitumen 2-ply system
K.2.2.2 Require a 20 year, no-dollar-limit warranty
K.2.2.3 Provide generic NRCA details to help define the quality of
the roof.
K.2.3 EPDM
K.2.3.1 Specify a minimum 60-mil thickness
K.2.3.2 Must be fully adhered, rather than ballasted or mechanically
K.2.3.3 Do not use over kitchens
K.2.3.4 Should include a coating to save energy
UFC 4-171-05