OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE: INDUSTRIAL WATER TREATMENTRecord of Changes - 3_240_130002FOREWORD - 3_240_130003CONTENTS - 3_240_130004CONTENTS-continued - 3_240_130005CONTENTS-continued - 3_240_130006CONTENTS-continued - 3_240_130007CONTENTS-continued - 3_240_130008CONTENTS-continued - 3_240_130009CONTENTS-continued - 3_240_130010CONTENTS-continued - 3_240_130011CONTENTS-continued - 3_240_130012CONTENTS-continued - 3_240_130013CONTENTS-continued - 3_240_130014FIGURES - 3_240_130015FIGURES-continued - 3_240_130016TABLES - 3_240_130017TABLES-continued - 3_240_130018CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL WATER TREATMENTObjectives of Industrial Water TreatmentResponsibility for TreatmentRestrictions on Direct Steam UseOperations LogsSupport AvailableWater Discharge RestrictionsContainer Management PolicyCHAPTER 2. MAKEUP WATERReasons and Criteria for Treating Makeup WaterExternal TreatmentTable 2-1. Makeup Water Treatment Methods for Removing ImpuritiesFigure 2-1. Effects of Treatment on Raw WaterTable 2-2. External Treatment Equipment Selection Guide for Steam Boiler Makeup WaterAerationSand FiltersIon Exchange ProcessSodium Ion ExchangeRegeneration CycleBackwashOperating ProblemsHydrogen Ion ExchangeDemineralizationAnion Exchange ProcessDealkalizationSplit-Stream DealkalizationDecarbonator UseDecarbonationEvaporatorsRO PretreatmentUltrafiltrationElectrodialysisCHAPTER 3. STEAM BOILER SYSTEMSWater Tube Boilers - 3_240_130052Components of a Steam Boiler SystemFigure 3-3. Components of a Simple Steam Boiler SystemBoiler ComponentsMeasuring EquipmentDeposition ProblemsFigure 3-7. Metal Fatigue on Boiler TubeCalculations - 3_240_130059Blowdown - 3_240_130060Calculating Blowdown RatesFigure 3-9. Simplified Boiler System Water BalanceMakeup Water RateDifference Between Amount of Steam Produced and Amount of CondensateBOILER WATER TREATMENT AND CONTROLCommon Scale Found in BoilersExternal Boiler Water TreatmentInternal Treatment of Boiler WaterSolubilizing Water Treatment ProgramsDetermining Chemical Treatment Feed Rates-continuedCorrosion in the BoilerRemoving Oxygen from FeedwaterDeaerator OperationFigure 3-11. Mechanical Deaerator Schematic (Spray Type)Chemical Removal of Free OxygenOxygen Scavengers for Boilers Over 6205 KilopascalsCondensate Corrosion and Control - 3_240_130077Estimating Carbon Dioxide in SteamControl of Carbon Dioxide by Neutralizing AminesTable 3-4. Physical and Chemical Properties of Neutralizing AminesCyclohexylamineControl of Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen by Specialty Volatile AminesWater Carryover in SteamFoaming CarryoverDetermining Water Carryover in SteamDEVELOPING A STEAM BOILER SYSTEM WATER TREATMENT PROGRAMCooling Systems TreatmentProgram ContentFeedwater Quality LimitsTable 3-10. Suggested Feedwater Limits for Industrial Fire Tube Boiler 0-2068 KPaTable 3-11. ASME Feedwater Limits for Industrial Water Tube BoilersBoiler Water Chemistry LimitsTable 3-13. ASME Suggested Boiler Water Limits for Industrial Water Tube BoilerTable 3-14. ASME Boiler Water Limits for Industrial Water Tube BoilersTable 3-16. ASME Suggested Boiler Water Limits for Marine Propulsion Water Tube BoilerTreatment Guidelines for Low-Pressure SteamTreatment Guidelines for Medium- and High-Pressure SteamCondensate Corrosion and Control - 3_240_130098Chemical Requirements for Boiler Start-upStart-up of New Boilers and Condensate Systems or Repaired BoilersStart-up of Boiler from Wet LayupCHEMICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR BOILER LAYUPWet Layup of BoilersWet Layup of Drained BoilersLayup of Condensate SystemsCOMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON BOILER WATER TREATMENTCOMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON BOILER WATER TREATMENT-continuedCHAPTER 4. COOLING WATER SYSTEMSFigure 4-2. Evaporative Fluid Cooler and Evaporative Condenser DiagramFigure 4-3. Open Recirculating Cooling Tower Water System DiagramFigure 4-4. Cooling Tower Water SystemForced-Draft TowersFigure 4-6. Cross-Flow Cooling TowerFigure 4-8. Counter-Flow Cooling Tower DiagramComponents of a Cooling TowerDrift EliminatorsCommon Cooling Water System ProblemsWhite RustLegionella BacteriaCooling Tower Water CalculationsCalculating COC by VolumeRelationship Between COC and MakeupRelationship Between Blowdown, Evaporation, and COCRelationship Between Blowdown, Evaporation, and COC-continuedOBJECTIVES OF COOLING WATER TREATMENTCalcium Carbonate ScaleDetermining COC to Control OperationsCalcium Carbonate Scaling IndicesScale-Control MethodsCalcium Carbonate Scale Control Using Solubilizing ChemicalsCalcium Sulfate Scale Control Using Solubilizing PolymersFouling ControlBacteriaTable 4-3. Bacterial Types and Problems CreatedMicrobiological ControlBromine Release AgentsChlorine DioxideTable 4-6. Guidelines for Oxidizing Microbiocide EffectivenessNon-Oxidizing BiocidesTable 4-7. Guidelines for Non-Oxidizing Microbiocide SelectionBacterial ControlLegionnaires' DiseaseGalvanic CorrosionFigure 4-18. Galvanic Series of Common Metals and Alloys Found in Cooling Water SystemsConcentration Cell Corrosion - 3_240_130145Corrosion Control Methods - 3_240_130146Figure 4-19. Effect of pH on Corrosion Rate of Unprotected Mild Steel in WaterEffective Corrosion ControlGeneral InhibitorsDEVELOPING AN EFFECTIVE COOLING WATER TREATMENT PROGRAMCooling Water Treatment ProgramsTreatment Program for Medium and Large Cooling TowersCooling Tower Operator DutiesCooling Tower Fill, Air Intake Slats, and BasinCOOLING WATER SYSTEM START-UP AND LAYUP REQUIREMENTSStart-up of New Cooling Water Tower SystemsChemical Cleaning and Passivation FormulationLayup of Cooling Tower SystemsCHAPTER 5. CLOSED INDUSTRIAL WATER SYSTEMSDescription of Hot Water SystemsClosed Chilled Water Systems, Brine Systems, and Glycol SystemsCombined Hot and Chilled Water SystemsWATER TREATMENT FOR CLOSED SYSTEMSCorrosion Control ProgramsTable 5-2. Selection Guidelines for Closed System TreatmentNitrite-Azole Treatment ProgramMolybdate-Nitrite-Azole Treatment ProgramIdentifying Water LeaksProcedures for Layup of Hot and Chilled Water SystemsCHAPTER 6. WATER SAMPLING AND TESTING OF WATER SYSTEMSCOOLING TOWER WATER SAMPLING AND TESTINGCooling Water SamplingROUTINE BOILER WATER SAMPLING AND TESTINGBoiler Water Sampling CoolerSampling LocationsFrequency of Sampling and TestingTable 6-2. Water Sampling Frequency and Testing Requirements for Boiler Water SystemsBoiler Water QA AnalysisWATER SAMPLING AND TESTING FOR CLOSED HOT AND CHILLED CIRCULATING WATER SYSTEMSSampling and Testing of Makeup WaterWater Sample Testing MethodsINTERPRETATION OF RESULTS FROM WATER TESTSRelationship of P, M, and OH AlkalinitiesTable 6-4. Alkalinity Relationship Based on P and M TestspH (Hydrogen Ion Concentration)Conductivity and TDSIN-PLANT LABORATORY WATER TESTING REQUIREMENTSCHAPTER 7. WATER TREATMENT CHEMICAL FEED AND CONTROLBoiler Water ControllersChemical PumpsOther Feed DevicesDry Chemical FeedersAutomatic Neat Chemical FeedCHEMICAL CONTROL VERIFICATIONSAFETY AND GENERAL INFORMATIONHandling Caustic Soda (Sodium Hydroxide)Chemical StorageCHAPTER 8. NON-CHEMICAL/NON-TRADITIONAL WATER TREATMENT DEVICESElectrical Impressed Current DevicesNon-Traditional Water Treatment Chemical DevicesCopper and Silver Ionizing Devices-continuedCHAPTER 9. CHEMICAL CLEANING OF WATER SYSTEMSRemedial CleaningREMEDIAL CLEANING PROCEDURESExample Procedure for 10% SolutionSulfamic AcidCleaning PreparationMethods for Removing ScaleCirculating Method Without HeatFill and Soak MethodChecking Acid Solution Strength-continuedCHAPTER 10. DEVELOPING A WATER TREATMENT PROGRAMOutsourcing Chemicals and ServicesQualificationsREPORTS AND AUDITSGLOSSARY - 3_240_130216GLOSSARY-continued - 3_240_130217GLOSSARY-continued - 3_240_130218GLOSSARY-continued - 3_240_130219GLOSSARY-continued - 3_240_130220GLOSSARY-continued - 3_240_130221GLOSSARY-continued - 3_240_130222GLOSSARY-continued - 3_240_130223GLOSSARY-continued - 3_240_130224GLOSSARY-continued - 3_240_130225APPENDIX A. REFERENCES - 3_240_130226NONGOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONSAPPENDIX B. PRACTICAL (PUCKORIUS) SCALING INDEX (PSI)Table B-1. Factor "A" for TDSTable B-2. Factor "B" for TemperatureTable B-3. Factor "C" for Calcium Hardness (as ppm CaCO3) Zero to 200 ppmTable B-4. Factor "C" For Calcium Hardness (as ppm CaCO3) 200 to 990 ppmTable B-5. Factor "D" for Alkalinity (as ppm CaCO3) Zero to 200 ppmTable B-7. pHeq Determined from Total AlkalinityScaling Severity Keyed to IndicesTable B-8. Scaling Indices vs. ConditionAPPENDIX C. CORROSION TESTING WITH COUPON-TYPE TEST SPECIMENSINSTALLATION OF COUPON-TYPE TEST SPECIMENSTest MethodsTable C-1. Flow RateAPPENDIX D. CORROSION TESTING WITH TEST NIPPLE ASSEMBLYINSTALLATION OF TESTERFigure D-1. Condensate Corrosion TesterAPPENDIX E. TESTING INDUSTRIAL WATER SYSTEM SAMPLESTesting ProceduresAPPENDIX F. NONPROPRIETARY INDUSTRIAL WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALSAPPENDIX F. NONPROPRIETARY INDUSTRIAL WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALS-continued - 3_240_130247APPENDIX F. NONPROPRIETARY INDUSTRIAL WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALS-continued - 3_240_130248APPENDIX F. NONPROPRIETARY INDUSTRIAL WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALS-continued - 3_240_130249APPENDIX F. NONPROPRIETARY INDUSTRIAL WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALS-continued - 3_240_130250APPENDIX F. NONPROPRIETARY INDUSTRIAL WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALS-continued - 3_240_130251APPENDIX F. NONPROPRIETARY INDUSTRIAL WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALS-continued - 3_240_130252APPENDIX F. NONPROPRIETARY INDUSTRIAL WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALS-continued - 3_240_130253APPENDIX F. NONPROPRIETARY INDUSTRIAL WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALS-continued - 3_240_130254INDEX - 3_240_130255INDEX-continued - 3_240_130256INDEX-continued - 3_240_130257INDEX-continued - 3_240_130258INDEX-continued - 3_240_130259INDEX-continued - 3_240_130260INDEX-continued - 3_240_130261INDEX-continued - 3_240_1302623_240_13