Occupancy high hazard storage
Occupancy count not occupied; typically 1 person per
27.9 sq m (300 sf)
Minimum STC rating 40
Ceiling height
Floor sealed concrete below metal grate
Base none
Walls painted CMU
Ceiling none; paint structure
Lockset entrance
Heating sufficient to avoid freezing
Cooling - none Ventilation separate, continuous explosion-
proof ventilation interlocked with room lighting, or
door louvers
Lighting 10 fc; minimum of two explosion-proof
fluorescents on exterior weatherproof pilot-lighted
exterior switch. Provide low temperature ballasts.
Voice/data none
Open shelving
Special features or considerations
Extra hazard sprinklers; dry system in north
Open grating aluminum flooring over spill-collection basin
4.3.8 Controlled Waste Storage This space is provided for storage of waste materials or items
for environmental protection, while awaiting recycling or other
disposal. Due to the nature of the contents, it will have exterior access
only, and CMU wall to structure or a concrete ceiling. The room should have a depressed well under a metal grate
floor for collection of any spills. The well should be sloped to allow
convenient suction of spills at a low point: no drain. The well should
be capable of containing 150% of the stored materials; verify likely
amount of stored materials with Tenants. Some steel shelving is typically provided, with some floor area
left open for larger containers. Space Design Information
UFC 4-171-05