OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE: WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMSRecord of Changes - 3_230_020002FOREWORD - 3_230_020003CONTENTS - 3_230_020005CONTENTS-continued - 3_230_020006CONTENTS-continued - 3_230_020007CONTENTS-continued - 3_230_020008CONTENTS-continued - 3_230_020009CONTENTS-continued - 3_230_020010CONTENTS-continued - 3_230_020011CONTENTS-continued - 3_230_020012CONTENTS-continued - 3_230_020013CONTENTS-continued - 3_230_020014CONTENTS-continued - 3_230_020015CONTENTS-continued - 3_230_020016CONTENTS-continued - 3_230_020017FIGURES - 3_230_020018TABLES-continued - 3_230_020019TABLES-continued - 3_230_020020TABLES-continued - 3_230_020021Section 1: INTRODUCTION - 3_230_020022Organization of Handbook-continuedSection 2: APPLICABLE DOCUMENTSSupplemental List-continued - 3_230_020025Supplemental List-continued - 3_230_020026Supplemental List-continued - 3_230_020027Optional ListOptional List-continuedMilitary PublicationsMilitary Publications-continuedSection 3: UTILITY MANAGEMENTElements of a Water Supply SystemPumping - 3_230_020034Water Utility StaffingInformation ManagementOperating RecordsAnnual ReportsRegulations Affecting Water SystemsWater Conservation - 3_230_020040Section 4: WATER SUPPLYGroundwater SuppliesFigure 1. Effects of Overlapping Field of Influence - Pumped WellsMeasuring Water Levels and DrawdownFigure 2. Using Air Line to Find Depth of Water LevelChecking for Safe Pumping YieldPreparing the DisinfectantTable 1. Gallons (Liters) of Water Per Foot (Meters) of Depth for Various Well DiametersWell Maintenance and RehabilitationAcid Treatment-continuedTable 2. Materials Required for 100 Gallons (400 Liters) of Chlorine SolutionDry Ice CleaningJet CleaningTable 3. Jetting Nozzle Discharge(1)Figure 3. Jetting Tool for Well ScreeningSonic Process CleaningBackwashing and SurgingTable 4. Eductor Submergence Required for Various Well DepthsFigure 4. Piping Arrangement for Backwashing and BackblowingMaintaining Specific Well TypesTable 6. Maintenance Checklist for Groundwater SuppliesTable 6. Maintenance Checklist for Groundwater Supplies-continuedProtection of Groundwater SuppliesWell RecordsTable 7. Maintenance Checklist for Surface Water SuppliesDams and SpillwaysReservoirsWater Quality - 3_230_020068Physical CharacteristicsSection 5: WATER TREATMENTReferences-continued - 3_230_020071Unit Treatment ProcessesFiltration - 3_230_020073Control of Corrosion and ScalingTaste and Odor ControlVOCs GroupDBPs GroupTreatment-continuedWater Treatment Plant ResiduesTable 8. Chemicals Used in Water TreatmentTable 8. Chemicals Used in Water Treatment-continued - 3_230_020081Table 8. Chemicals Used in Water Treatment-continued - 3_230_020082Table 8. Chemicals Used in Water Treatment-continued - 3_230_020083Table 8. Chemicals Used in Water Treatment-continued - 3_230_020084Table 8. Chemicals Used in Water Treatment-continued - 3_230_020085Table 8. Chemicals Used in Water Treatment-continued - 3_230_020086Table 8. Chemicals Used in Water Treatment-continued - 3_230_020087Table 9. Water Treatment Plant Residue Disposal SummaryTable 9. Water Treatment Plant Residue Disposal Summary-continued - 3_230_020089Table 9. Water Treatment Plant Residue Disposal Summary-continued - 3_230_020090Disposal MethodsDischarge to Sanitary SewerDesalinationSection 6: PUMPS AND DRIVERSTable 10. Comparison of Pump Discharge and HeadTroubleshooting Centrifugal PumpsTable 11. Routine Operations Checklist for Centrifugal PumpsTable 11. Routine Operations Checklist for Centrifugal Pumps-continuedNegative Suction HeadTable 12. Troubleshooting Checklist for Centrifugal PumpsTable 12. Troubleshooting Checklist for Centrifugal Pumps-continued - 3_230_020101Table 12. Troubleshooting Checklist for Centrifugal Pumps-continued - 3_230_020102Table 12. Troubleshooting Checklist for Centrifugal Pumps-continued - 3_230_020103Table 12. Troubleshooting Checklist for Centrifugal Pumps-continued - 3_230_020104Table 12. Troubleshooting Checklist for Centrifugal Pumps-continued - 3_230_020105Table 12. Troubleshooting Checklist for Centrifugal Pumps-continued - 3_230_020106Operating Instructions for Ejector (Jet) PumpsOperating PrecautionsMaintenance Procedures for Centrifugal PumpsTable 14. Lubrication Schedule for Centrifugal-Type PumpsTable 14. Lubrication Schedule for Centrifugal-Type Pumps-continuedShafts and Shaft SleevesTable 16. Guide for Stuffing Box InspectionTable 16. Guide for Stuffing Box Inspection-continued - 3_230_020114Table 16. Guide for Stuffing Box Inspection-continued - 3_230_020115Wearing or Sealing RingsTable 17. Maintenance Checklist for BearingsTable 17. Maintenance Checklist for Bearings-continuedFigure 5. Types of Wearing (Sealing) RingOverhaul ProceduresRotary-Displacement PumpsPump InspectionShear Pins in Reciprocating Sludge PumpsWell PumpsImpeller AdjustmentReciprocating Well PumpsPump DriversGasoline and Diesel EnginesTable 18. Startup Checklist for Vertical Turbine Well PumpsTable 18. Startup Checklist for Vertical Turbine Well Pumps-continuedFigure 6. Typical Well Pumping and Recovery TestTable 19. Troubleshooting Checklist for Vertical Turbine Well PumpsTable 19. Troubleshooting Checklist for Vertical Turbine Well Pumps-continued - 3_230_020133Table 19. Troubleshooting Checklist for Vertical Turbine Well Pumps-continued - 3_230_020134Table 20. Routine Operations Checklist for Electric MotorsTable 21. Operations Checklist for Gasoline and Diesel EnginesTable 21. Operations Checklist for Gasoline and Diesel Engines-continuedRight-Angle Gear DrivesCouplingsRecordkeepingElectrical DevicesSection 7: DISTRIBUTION AND STORAGEFlushingTable 22. Checklist for Repairing Water Main Breaks and LeaksTable 23. Flow Rate and Number of Hydrant Outlets Required to Flush Water Mains with 40 psi (280 kPa) of PressureOperational ChangesThawing Frozen SystemsTable 24. Current and Voltage Required to Thaw Wrought-Iron and Cast-Iron PipeStorage - 3_230_020150Ground Storage ReservoirsWater Storage Facility SafetyWater Storage Facility Safety-continuedSection 8: VALVES AND HYDRANTSGeneral Maintenance of Valves, Valve Boxes, and AccessoriesTable 25. Maintenance Checklist for Valves and AccessoriesTable 25. Maintenance Checklist for Valves and Accessories-continued - 3_230_020157Table 25. Maintenance Checklist for Valves and Accessories-continued - 3_230_020158Table 25. Maintenance Checklist for Valves and Accessories-continued - 3_230_020159Table 25. Maintenance Checklist for Valves and Accessories-continued - 3_230_020160Maintenance ProceduresHydrantsTable 26. Maintenance Checklist for Fire HydrantsHydrant SafetyHydrant Safety-continuedSection 9: I&C AND WATER METERSMeter ReadingInstrument Maintenance and RepairTable 27. Maintenance Checklist for Flow, Pressure, and Level SensorsTable 27. Maintenance Checklist for Flow, Pressure, and Level Sensors-continuedIndicator, Register, and Recorder MaintenanceTable 28. Maintenance Checklist for Transmission SystemsTable 28. Maintenance Checklist for Transmission Systems-continuedTable 29. Maintenance Checklist for Indicators, Registers, and RecordersSafety - 3_230_020175Table 30. Maintenance Checklist for Water MetersTable 31. Maintenance Checklist for Weirs and FlumesSection 10: CROSS-CONNECTION CONTROL AND BACKFLOW PREVENTIONApproved Backflow Prevention DevicesSelection and Installation of Backflow PreventersMaintenance of Backflow PreventersAdministrative IssuesSection 11: GENERAL MAINTENANCEMaintenance InspectionsMaintenance InformationGoalsMaintenance PersonnelRemoving Equipment from ServiceRoutine InspectionsElectric Motors - 3_230_020190Instrumentation and ControlsMechanical Equipment - 3_230_020192Table 34. Maintenance Checklist for Aeration EquipmentTable 34. Maintenance Checklist for Aeration Equipment-continuedTable 35. Maintenance Checklist for Rapid Mix, Flocculation, and Sedimentation BasinsLubrication RequirementsOverload AlarmTable 36. Maintenance Checklist for Gravity Filtration EquipmentTable 36. Maintenance Checklist for Gravity Filtration Equipment-continued - 3_230_020199Table 36. Maintenance Checklist for Gravity Filtration Equipment-continued - 3_230_020200Table 36. Maintenance Checklist for Gravity Filtration Equipment-continued - 3_230_020201Filter Media-continuedMedia ExpansionFigure 7. Backwash Rate for Media CleaningFigure 8. Multiple Hook GageLoss of Filter MediaFilter Underdrain SystemOperating ConsoleRate ControllersMechanically Operated Loss-of-Head GageMercury-Float-Type Rate-of-Flow GagesPressure FiltersPrecoat FiltersIon-Exchange EquipmentOperating Conditions-continuedTable 37. Maintenance Checklist for Ion-Exchange Softening UnitsRecarbonation EquipmentDistillation EquipmentVapor-Compression Distillation UnitsElectrodialysis EquipmentTable 38. Maintenance Checklist for Distillation EquipmentLubricationTable 39. Maintenance Checklist for CompressorsTable 39. Maintenance Checklist for Compressors-continued - 3_230_020224Table 39. Maintenance Checklist for Compressors-continued - 3_230_020225Lubricant UsesTable 40. Lubricating Oils, Greases, and PreservativesTable 40. Lubricating Oils, Greases, and Preservatives-continuedTable 41. Lubricating Oil and Grease UsesTable 41. Lubricating Oil and Grease Uses-continued - 3_230_020230Table 41. Lubricating Oil and Grease Uses-continued - 3_230_020231Lubricating PrecautionsLubricating Precautions-continuedChemical Storage and FeedersGas ChlorinatorsTable 42. Troubleshooting Checklist for Solution-Feed, Vacuum-Operated Gas Chlorinators - 3_230_020236Table 42. Troubleshooting Checklist for Solution-Feed, Vacuum-Operated Gas Chlorinators - 3_230_020237Table 43. Maintenance Checklist for Chlorination EquipmentLiquid Chlorine EvaporatorsHypochlorite Solution FeedersTable 44. Maintenance Checklist for Dry Chemical FeedersTanks and ReservoirsTable 45. Calibration Tests for Dry Chemical FeedersTable 45. Calibration Tests for Dry Chemical Feeders-continued - 3_230_020245Table 45. Calibration Tests for Dry Chemical Feeders-continued - 3_230_020246Table 46. Maintenance Checklist for Solution Chemical FeedersTable 46. Maintenance Checklist for Solution Chemical Feeders-continuedTable 47. Maintenance Checklist for Storage FacilitiesTable 47. Maintenance Checklist for Storage Facilities-continued - 3_230_020250Table 47. Maintenance Checklist for Storage Facilities-continued - 3_230_020251Table 47. Maintenance Checklist for Storage Facilities-continued - 3_230_020252Table 47. Maintenance Checklist for Storage Facilities-continued - 3_230_020253Paint Application MethodsPipelines - 3_230_020255Chain DriveSlow-Speed DrivesTools and EquipmentEquipment and SuppliesTable 49. Suggested Tools for Water Treatment PlantsTable 49. Suggested Tools for Water Treatment Plants-continued - 3_230_020261Table 49. Suggested Tools for Water Treatment Plants-continued - 3_230_020262Table 49. Suggested Tools for Water Treatment Plants-continued - 3_230_020263Table 50. Suggested Equipment for Water Treatment PlantsTable 51. Suggested Materials and Supplies for Water Treatment PlantsTable 51. Suggested Materials and Supplies for Water Treatment Plants-continuedSection 12: SWIMMING POOL OPERATIONSOperations - 3_230_020268Table 53. Troubleshooting Checklist for Swimming PoolsTable 53. Troubleshooting Checklist for Swimming Pools-continued - 3_230_020270Table 53. Troubleshooting Checklist for Swimming Pools-continued - 3_230_020271Section 13: SAFETY AND HEALTHAPPENDIX A. SAMPLE CALCULATIONSStatic Level, Pumping Level, and Drawdown CalculationMetric Static Level, Pumping Level, and Drawdown CalculationField Head CalculationMetric Field Head CalculationREFERENCES - 3_230_020278REFERENCES-continued - 3_230_020279REFERENCES-continued - 3_230_020280REFERENCES-continued - 3_230_020281REFERENCES-continued - 3_230_020282REFERENCES-continued - 3_230_020283REFERENCES-continued - 3_230_020284REFERENCES-continued - 3_230_020285AUTHORED PUBLICATIONS - 3_230_020286AUTHORED PUBLICATIONS-continued - 3_230_020287COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATIONGLOSSARY - 3_230_020289GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020290GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020291GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020292GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020293GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020294GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020295GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020296GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020297GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020298GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020299GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020300GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020301GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020302GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020303GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020304GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020305GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020306GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020307GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020308GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020309GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020310GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020311GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020312GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020313GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020314GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020315GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020316GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020317GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020318GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020319GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020320GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020321GLOSSARY-continued - 3_230_020322STANDARDIZATION DOCUMENT IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL - 3_230_0203233_230_02
